《HDRPhotographyPhotoWorkshop》是JohnWiley&Sons出版的圖書,作者是PeteCarr,...Learn to process HDR images using Photomatix and Photoshop? Elements...
You will also learn the secrets of creating a successful digital wedding photography business, and much more. Whether you're an aspiring professional or ...
所屬分類/Category:圖書 > 英文原版書 > Arts & Photography(藝術與攝影)定價...People learn better from words that are enhanced with the right graphics. ...
IPhone Photography & Video for Dummies,作者/Author:Angelo Micheletti(安吉洛·...and learn about the accessories you can buy to make sure your photos are...
Macro 攝影術照片工廠Macro Photography Photo Workshop 編輯 中文書名/Chinese ...this task-oriented reference allows readers to learn by doing and offers outstan...