A spectacular performance, in twelve tableaux, of the most popular and best known fairy tale in history. From this most simple tale we have produced a play that is both pleasing and amusing to young and old, introducing as we do many surprising tricks and dissolving effects. We have followed as near as possible the tale of Perrault, which is well known to all, and which has been translated into all languages. We have, on account of the peculiar effects that must be introduced in animated pictures, arranged it also with humorous features, without which it would not have been so highly interesting and pleasing as a motion picture demonstration of the fairy tale. The story itself is doubtless familiar to many of our customers, and we will, therefore, not attempt to describe it in our catalogue matter, except to state that it is composed of the finest trick and dissolving effects ever introduced, and that the action is replete from start to finish with humorous, emotional and spectacular situations.