Last One in Is a Rotten Egg

Last One in Is a Rotten Egg



  • 書名:Last One in Is a Rotten Egg
  • 作者:倫納德·凱斯勒
  • ISBN:9780064442626
  • 出版社:HarperCollins


書名:Last One in Is a Rotten Egg
作 者/Author: Leonard Kessler(倫納德·凱斯勒) 著 Leonard Kessler(萊奧納多·凱斯勒) 繪
出 版 社/Publisher: HarperCollins
中文書名/Chinese Title: 最後一個到的是臭蛋
ISBN: 9780064442626
出版時間/Publication Date: 1999-06-01
版 次/Edition:
頁 數/Pages: 64
裝 幀/Format: 平裝
尺寸及重量/Dimensions & Weight:
紙 張/Paper:
正文語種/Language: 英文
所屬分類/Category: 圖書 > 英文原版書 > Children's Books(兒童圖書)


While his friends jump and dive and race in the pool, Freddy is left alone on the side. If he doesn't learn to swim, he will always be the rotten egg. Available for the first time in full color, this engaging I Can Read Book is perfect for beginning readers and swimmers of every level.


Leonard Kessler has illustrated over two hundred books for children, many of which he also wrote, including the I Can Read Books Last One In Is a Rotten Egg; Kick, Pass, and Run; and Here Comes the Strikeout. He lives in Sarasota, Florida.


"Reissued with new illustrations, the story is as appropriate today as it was when originally written. Freddy doesn't know how to swim well enough to be in the deep water. When some older kids push him in, Tom the lifeguard rescues him but, as a result, he is afraid of going back to the pool. With the help of his friends and his mother's encouragement, Freddy does go back and Tom teaches him the proper way to swim. When the big boys return, Freddy stands up to them and Tom bans them from the pool until they can learn to follow the rules. It's a strong story with a good message."
--Children's Literature


