

瑞典清新樂第一大廠Labrador建立於 1998年,並由一位行政人員Bengt Rahm發起。而Acid House King的一曲也包括在內,與此同時,Club 8的主將Johan Angergard也脫離了Siesta。而占盡天時地利,位於瑞典音樂重鎮Stockholm市的Labrador當時是他們的首選。因此Club8的第二張專輯便在此發行。可算是Labrador的轉折點,因Johan這位重臣以他在這個圈子的經驗,獨具慧眼為 Labrador找來了不少新名字如WaltzForDebbie、Leslies、LasseLindh等新血的加入,為Labrador增添不少新聲音。


  • 外文名稱:Labrador
  • 總部地點:瑞典
  • 成立時間:1998年
  • 發起人:Bengt Rahm


你要認識Labrador的聲音,當然首推他們的老大哥Club 8,Acid House King和Startlet。貴為知性派瑞典之音的Club 8,年輕十足的AHK和擅長撰寫失意情歌的Starlet為Labrador奠下了了形象清新的Swedish-Pop之音。當然新貴Edson和 Aerospace為Labrador泛起的漣漪仍令人無法忘懷。至於後起之秀Chasing Doratea帶來的是一張媲美Kings Of Convenience的沉默與清爽的專輯。還有還有玩奏夢幻電子音樂的Douglas Heart便擁有一把甜美的女聲助陣。另外還有極具個人風格的Lasse Lindh,帶來的是充滿電影感的英倫吉他搖滾。單看以上陣容,已窺探出Labrador在Twee-Pop以外,還極力發掘新聲音。當中還吸納了屬於異軍的Mondial,便是一隊玩奏Acid Jazz加點點Funky節奏的跳舞組合。當然,有如瑞典Saint Etienne的Waltz For Debbie,更為Labrador加入充滿氣息的跳脫生氣。再看最新所帶來的幾個新名字,確能令我們更了解Labrador。好象由早期已加入Labrador的Lasse Lindh組成的新樂隊Tribeca,他們絕對是Labrador在Twee-Pop之外的另一選擇。這隊充滿瑞典搖滾味的組合,就象是The Wannadies的重生,充滿生氣與聲浪的吉他為我們帶來Kate-97這專輯。至於另一新貴Ronderlin則為我們帶來一張Perfect- Pop專輯Wave Another Day Goodbye,六個大男孩所演奏出的確是一些長青的流行調子。而倍受矚目的當然是Aerospace主將Kristian Rosengren的個人組合Airliner。這位瑞典詩人在Club 8的Johan監製下,帶來是一張失落的專輯The Last Day Of August,Kristian那害羞的聲音配合這些失意的調子,絕對會為各位Edson迷送上另一感人故事。還有即將推出專輯的Douglas Heart,象極了Belle & SebastianLaurel MusicThe Radio Dept。便會源源不絕為Labrador帶來無限生氣。而Labrador正處於它的全盛時期。


Afraid of Stairs
Chasing Dorotea
Club 8
Corduroy Utd
Douglas Heart
Lasse Lindh
Laurel Music
The Legends
The Mary Onettes
Pelle Carlberg
The Radio Dept
The Sound of Arrows
South Ambulance
Suburban Kids With Biblical Names
Waltz for Debbie
Wan Light


中文名稱:Labrador 100
瑞典清新樂第一大廠Labrador第100張專輯。共分四碟,收錄廠牌此前發行唱片中歌曲各一首。這張專輯同時也是Labrador十周年紀念輯,旗下各個樂隊史上最精彩的歌曲皆包括在內,包括諸位耳熟能詳的Club8,Acid House Kings,Edson,Lurel Music,The Legends,Sambassadeur,Radio Dept等。


001. First Floor Power - Car, Travel Far!
002. Acid House Kings - This And That
003. Starlet - I'm Home
004. Club 8 - Missing You
005. Lasse Lindh - C'mon Through
006. Leslies - Ignorance
007. Club 8 - I Don't Need Anyone
008. Waltz For Debbie - He Loves Anna
009. Leslies - Dear Friend
010. Los Fancy Free - Honey Watch That Man
011. Club 8 - We're Simple Minds
012. Lasse Lindh - Bruised
013. Ronderlin - Reflected
014. Airliner - Before You Went Away
015. Permer - Charlotte
016. Acid House Kings - We're The Acid House Kings
017. Waltz For Debbie - Once Upon A Time
018. Mondial - Undeserved Disgrace
019. Club 8 - Everlasting Love
020. Starlet - When Sun Falls On My Feet
021. Club 8 - You And Me
022. C'seste - Start Anew
023. Cinnamon - Maybe In The Next Life
024. Waltz For Debbie - Flowers First
025. Acid House Kings - Sunday Morning
026. The Radio Dept. - Against The Tide
027. Tribeca - Teenage
028. Aerospace - The Great Divide
029. The Legends - Make It All Right
030. Douglas Heart - Expired
031. [Ingenting] - Syster Dyster
032. Afraid Of Stairs - Not Today
033. Laurel Music - Sacred Heart
034. Club 8 - Cold Hearts
035. Ronderlin - She Stays At Home
036. Edson - A Pleasant Dream
037. Jacqueline - Love Is So Cool (That My Heart Goes Boom)
038. Wan Light - Landmarks And Houses
039. Airliner - Trying To Be Clever
040. Tribeca - The Sun Always Shines On TV
041. The Radio Dept. - Why Won't You Talk About It?
042. Wan Light - The Astronauts
043. Edson - One Last Song About You Know What
044. Club 8 - Saturday Night Engine
045. Douglas Heart - Smoke Screen
046. The Radio Dept. - Where Damage Isn't Already Done
047. Douglas Heart - A Question Of Gender
048. Acid House Kings - Say Yes If You Love Me
049. Wan Light - Freedom Fighters
050. Pelle Carlberg - Go To Hell, Miss Rydell
051. Suburban Kids With Biblical Names - Trumpets And Violins
052. The Radio Dept. - Deliverance
053. The Legends - There And Back Again
054. Acid House Kings - This Heart Is A Stone
055. Sambassadeur - Between The Lines
056. [Ingenting] - gråt inte älskling
057. Tribeca - Her Breasts Were Still Small
058. Suburban Kids With Biblical Names - Funeral Face
059. South Ambulance - Die 5times Times5
060. Wan Light - That Grim Reality
061. [Ingenting] - här kommer solen
062. The Legends - When The Day Is Done
063. Laurel Music - Dreams And Lies
064. Suburban Kids With Biblical Names - Rent A Wreck
065. The Radio Dept. - Pulling Our Weight
066. Douglas Heart - Always No
067. Corduroy Utd. - In A Dream
068. Hanky And Panky - Hurray
069. Tribeca - Solitude
070. Acid House Kings - Do What You Wanna Do
071. Edson - And Then She Flung Me The Truth
072. Laurel Music - Empty Feeling
073. Corduroy Utd. - Daddy's Boy
074. The Legends - Call It Ours
075. [Ingenting] - punkdrömmar
076. The Radio Dept. - The Worst Taste In Music
077. Sambassadeur - New Moon
078. Irene - Waterfront
079. The Legends - Play It For Today
080. [Ingenting] - släpp in solen
081. Loveninjas - I Wanna Be Like Johnny C
082. The Radio Dept. - Pet Grief
083. The Legends - Heart
084. Pelle Carlberg - A Tasteless Offer
085. Suburban Kids With Biblical Names - Marry Me
086. The Legends - People Like Us
087. The Mary Onettes - Lost
088. Irene - Baby I Love Your Way
089. Acid House Kings - Will You Love Me In The Morning?(Feat. Magnus Carlson)
090. Loveninjas - Keep Your Love
091. The Legends - Lucky Star
092. Wan Light - The Beehive Kid
093. Sambassadeur - Ice & Snow
094. The Legends - He Knows The Sun
095. Loveninjas - It's Ok
096. Irene - Little Things (That Tear Us Apart)
097. Pelle Carlberg - Riverbank
098. The Legends - Today (Phone Edit By Les Espions)
099. Sambassadeur - Kate
100. The Radio Dept. - We Made The Team


