K:“I fancy you...You're strong.You're beautiful....You're full of light...I enjoy you..I'll take you. Anywhere you want. Rome, Paris, Tokyo....”
C:"I get it. Your father didn't love you, so you assume that no one else will either. And that's why you compel people or you sire them or you try to buy them off, but that's not how it works. You don't connect with people, because you don't even try to understand them."
K:“You should be nicer to me. I'm leaving town tomorrow. I'd invite you to come with me, but we both know you're not ready to accept my offer. Perhaps one day, in a year or even a century, You'll show up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer. You mark my words. Small-town boy, small-town life, it won't be enough for you.”
K:“Shh, it's okay, it's okay. It's me, it's okay. You're safe. We'll save Elena, you go straight home, you stay inside. You understand? Do you understand me?”
(Caroline nods)
C:“Thank you.”
Klaus的身體被燒,所有人都以為他死了,那么所有被他轉化的吸血鬼也都將死去。C找到被K轉化為混血的T告訴了他這個訊息,那時的T其實是被K附身的。C為T即將死去而萬分傷心,但是附在T身上的K卻對她說,"but you are strong, and you have a beautiful future ahead of you.When you make it through this……just tell my mother left town like i was supposed to,ok?"C含淚答應,緊緊地擁抱他並吻他……
還附在T身上的K接到了T媽的電話,得知C吸血鬼的身份已曝光並被鎮上的警察帶走了。T的身體當然沒有K的那么strong,但他仍冒險前去救C。在萬分緊急的情況下,他放棄了自己的妹妹而救了C,當然也是因為他知道妹妹很強大,不會被殺死。C見到T沒有死,激動萬分:i never thought i'd see you again.i don't get it,how are you alive? K本要解釋,但C只是激動地吻他,於是兩人異常激烈地熱吻起來。可是boss畢竟是boss,他並不想趁此占C的便宜,含混地調侃:easy,love.wrong time,wrong place,wrong equipment.好吧,亮點就是wrong equipment了,時間不對,地點不對,當然裝備(身體)也不對……C很激動只是說:all signs point to hot hybrid vampire sex.不過隨後C還是反應過來:did you just call me love?(冬粉們都知道K最喜歡喊女孩們love或 sweetheart)K明白裝糊塗:i don't know,love.did i? 明明白白的,K又戲弄了C~~
C終於明白是怎么回事,原來眼前的T其實是K,可K依然自信滿滿:that's what i enjoy about you:so much more than pretty face.C非常生氣,想到剛才的kiss於是說:you are disgussing! 你真噁心!K繼續調侃:and you are a glorious kisser!可你的吻技可真棒!於是很不幸地被C狠狠打了一拳……K只好耐心解釋:i didn't have to risk exposure to come save you.其實我沒有必要冒著危險來救你的。而 C一點也不買賬:oh,you do semi-decent thing and now you are my hero?ugh!i need to go sanitize your mouth.呵,你做這么一丁點好事兒所以你是我的英雄了?天哪!我要去好好漱漱口! K永遠得理不饒人:your mouth was all over me!i was an innocent victim.是你在不停地親我啊,我才是無辜的受害者啊~~細看一下,好像剛才的確是C在不停的吻他啊~~C沒法繼續糾結,只好說:put Tyler back! "Gladly! "K回答,"Then maybe i'il take you up on your offer of hot hybird sex!" 一定要記得啊,K的許諾,hot hybrid sex,相信有一天,只要C願意,這個許諾會成真奧!