樂曲背景 發行英文專輯一直是個Tanya心中的夢想,這次能夠與國語專輯一起發行,Tanya非常開心,而英文專輯裡無論曲風或是演唱方式,都呈現了與中文專輯不同的風情。
專輯封面 Key To Happiness是專輯《
Just Say So 》主打曲目,動畫和插圖的切換讓MV既淳樸又溫情。這首歌是一首關於幸福的歌,對於每個人來說,其實真正的幸福就在身邊。
歌曲歌詞 You're losing your mind
Everything seems to be falling apart
Tears trapped in your eyes
You swallow them down to fill up your heart
But take a look around
You don't have to feel down
Happiness is round the corner
Savor all the sweetness
Lose all your bitterness
Maybe that's the key to happiness
Yeah yeah
Shake off some saltiness
Bear with the sourness
That's half of the key to happiness
Key to happiness
You're dying inside
Like a flower that's been kept in the dark
Empty is your soul
Nothing's working to fill it up enough
Though fuck ups are abound
There is still hope somehow
So let it surround you baby
Savor all the sweetness
Lose all your bitterness
You'll find that's the key to happiness
Yeah yeah
Shake off some saltiness
Bear with the sourness
That's half of the key to happiness
Key to happiness
But don't side step it
There's no detour round it
Bet you've been scratching your head
But why side step it
When there's a road ahead
There's a big sign pointing to it
樂曲賞析 慵懶的小情調,插畫式的過場,一張張清新淡雅的圖畫講述一個簡單小小的幸福。蔡健雅像個
散文 詩人,用一把吉他,用懶懶的嗓音,在午後講述一個快被遺忘的故事。這次的歌一如既往,但總是在這種重複中,給人驚喜。
歌曲MV 蔡健雅英文專輯《Just Say So》主打《Key To Happiness》的MV,動畫和插圖的切換讓MV既淳樸又溫情。這首歌是一首關於幸福的歌,對於每個人來說,其實真正的幸福就在身邊。
幸福是找到頻率相同的人,幸福是擁有一群追求夢想的夥伴,幸福是不因為追求過多的幸福而感到不幸福。我還想說,幸福是哪怕一個深深的呼吸,一個溫暖的擁抱,一句簡單的問候。最後,最幸福最幸福的事情是在一個有陽光的午後和自己愛的人一起聽著蔡健雅的這首,慵懶又帶有一點小溫暖、小可愛的《Key To Happiness》!
獲獎記錄 時間 屆數 獎 具體獎項 獲獎主體 備註 2012-03
蔡健雅(《Just Say So》)