Kenneth A. Kim,男,博士,同濟大學經濟與管理學院經濟與金融系教授。
- 畢業院校:美國羅德島州大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職稱:教授
- 任職院校:同濟大學經濟與管理學院
1992.9-1997.5 金融博士學位,商學院,美國羅德島州大學
1990.9-1992.6 MBA,商學院,底特律大學
1986.9-1990.5 經濟碩士學位,美國密西根大學安娜堡分校
2015.9 ---目前,福布斯、貢獻者(雙周刊)
2006--- 2009,證券訴訟和諮詢公司,特別顧問
2005--- 2006,Nexus顧問
2003 --- 2004,特許金融分析師協會(前身為AIMR),顧問
2001--- 2004,吉隆坡股票交易所,學術顧問
2002--- 2002,美國威斯康星大學的信用社主任
1998.6 --- 1999.6,經濟分析,美國證券交易委員會,高級金融經濟學家辦公室
1992--- 1995,太平洋盆地資本市場(PACAP)研究中心,協調和研究助理
2012---2015,美韓金融協會 (KAFA),董事
2009---2012,東部金融協會 (EFA),董事
2009.1 --- 2009.5,商學院,韋恩州立大學,客座副教授
2007.1 --- 2007.5,商學院,密西根大學安娜堡分校,客座助理教授
2015.9 --- 2015.12,凱斯西儲大學,助理
2006--- 2013,新加坡管理研究所,助理
1998.9 --- 1998.12,喬治城大學,助理
1994--- 1996,羅得島大學,講師
2015年---目前,Journal of Financial Research,副主編
2015年---目前,Finance Research Letters,副主編
2014年---目前,Journal of Corporate Finance,特設副主編
2013 ---目前,中國企業研究前沿,編委會成員
2013 ---目前,Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance,編委會成員
2003 ---目前,Sasin Journal of Management,編委會成員
2010 --- 2014,North Korean Review,編委會成員
2000 --- 2009,Multinational Business Review,編委會成員
2004--- 2007,Journal of International Business Studies,編委會成員
2013-2014,Journal of Corporate Finance,中國金融管理特刊合作編輯
2012-2013,Journal of Multinational Financial Management,中國財務管理特刊合作編輯
- “Price limit performance: Evidence from the Tokyo Stock Exchange,” 1997, with S.G. Rhee, Journal of Finance 52
- “The effect of economic regimes on the relation between the term structure and real activity in Japan,” 1997, with P. Limpaphayom, Journal of Economics and Business 49
- “A test of the two–tier corporate governance structure: The case of Japanese keiretsu,” 1998, with P. Limpaphayom, Journal of Financial Research 21
- “Taxes and firm size in Pacific–Basin emerging economies,” 1998, with P. Limpaphayom, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation 7
- “Characteristics of stocks that frequently hit price limits: Empirical evidence from Taiwan and Thailand,” 2000, with P. Limpaphayom, Journal of Financial Markets 3
- “Price limits and stock market volatility,” 2001, Economics Letters 71
- “Is managerial equity ownership an alternative governance mechanism for Japanese firms?” 2001, with S.P. Ferris and P. Kitsabunnarat, Advances in Financial Economics 6
- “Initial margin requirements, volatility, and the individual investor: Insights from Japan,” 2002, with H.R. Oppenheimer, Financial Review 37
- “The costs (and benefits?) of diversified business groups: The case of Korean chaebols,” 2003, with S.P. Ferris and P. Kitsabunnarat, Journal of Banking and Finance 27
- “Bank stock returns, interest rate changes, and the regulatory environment: New insights from Japan,” 2003, with J.P. Broussard and P. Limpaphayom, in: J.J. Choi and T. Hiraki (Eds.), The Japanese Finance: Corporate Finance and Capital Markets in Changing Japan, North–Holland, Amsterdam.
- “The puzzling increase in the underpricing of seasoned equity offerings,” 2004, with H-H Shin, Financial Review 39
- “Ownership and operating performance in an emerging market: Evidence from Thai IPO firms,” 2004, with P. Kitsabunnarat and J.R. Nofsinger, Journal of Corporate Finance 10
- “Japanese securities firms, business corporations, and financial institutions: A comparison of their investing behavior,” 2004, with J.R. Nofsinger, in: J.P.H. Fan, J. Teranishi, and M. Hanazaki (Eds.), Designing Financial Systems in East Asia and Japan, Routledge Publishers, U.K.
- “A note on price limit performance: The case of illiquid stocks,” 2005, with G-M Chen and O.M. Rui, Pacific–Basin Finance Journal 13
- “Institutional herding, business groups, and economic regimes: Evidence from Japan,” 2005, with J.R. Nofsinger, Journal of Business 78
- “Price limit performance: Evidence from transactions data and the limit order book,” 2005, with S-H Chan and S.G. Rhee, Journal of Empirical Finance 12
- “Liquidity and quote clustering in a market with multiple tick sizes,” 2005, K.H. Chung and P. Kitsabunnarat, Journal of Financial Research 28
- “Trading performance, disposition effect, overconfidence, representativeness bias, and experience of emerging market investors,” 2007, with G-M Chen, J.R. Nofsinger, and O.M. Rui, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 20
- “Large shareholder monitoring and regulation: The Japanese banking experience,” 2007, with S-H Lee and S.G. Rhee, Journal of Economics and Business 59
- “Behavior of Japanese individual investors during bull and bear markets,” 2007, with J.R. Nofsinger, Journal of Behavioral Finance 8
- “Managerial power in the design of executive compensation: Evidence from Japan,” 2007, with S.P. Ferris, P. Kitsabunnarat, and T. Nishikawa, Advances in Financial Economics 12
- “Large shareholders, board independence, and minority shareholder rights: Evidence from Europe,” 2007, with P. Kitsabunnarat and J.R. Nofsinger, Journal of Corporate Finance 13
- “Behavioral finance in Asia,” 2008, with J.R. Nofsinger, Pacific–Basin Finance Journal 16, 1-7. “A test of the representativeness bias effect on stock prices: A study of Super Bowl commercial likeability,” 2009, with C. Chang and J. Jiang, Economics Letters 103
- “The effect of cross-listing on corporate governance: A review of the international evidence,” 2009, with S.P. Ferris and G. Noronha, Corporate Governance: An International Review 17
- “On the relation between intellectual collaboration and intellectual output: Evidence from the finance academe,” 2009, with K.H. Chung and R.A.K. Cox, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 49
- “On the predictability of Chinese stock returns,” 2010, with X. Chen, T. Yao, and T. Yu, Pacific–Basin Finance Journal 18
- “Why do price limits exist in stock markets? A manipulation–based explanation,” 2010, with J. Park, European Financial Management 16
- “Reaching for the stars: The appointments of celebrities to corporate boards,” 2011, with S.P. Ferris, T. Nishikawa, and E. Unlu, International Review of Economics 58
- “The effects of bank relations on stock repurchase decisions: Evidence from Japan,” 2011, with J-K Kang, P. Kitsabunnarat, and T. Nishikawa, Journal of Financial Intermediation 20
- “The effects of R&D expenditures on bondholders,” 2012, with Z. Jiang and C. Shen, Advances in Financial Economics 15
- “Appointments of outsiders as CEOs, state-owned enterprises, and firm performance: Evidence from China,” 2013, with F. Jiang and J. Huang, Pacific–Basin Finance Journal 23
- “Financial management in China,” 2013, with Z. Jiang, Journal of Multinational Financial Management 23
- “The increase in CEO pay after large investments: Is it purely rent extraction?” 2013, with Z. Jiang and Y. Zhang, Advances in Financial Economics 16
- “Reevaluating price limit effectiveness,” 2013, with H. Liu and J.J. Yang, Journal of Financial Research36
- “Share repurchases, catering, and dividend substitution,” 2013, with Z. Jiang, E. Lie, and S. Yang, Journal of Corporate Finance 21
- “The effects of corporate bailout on firm performance: International evidence,” 2014, with Z. Jiang and H. Zhang, Journal of Banking and Finance 43
- “Corporate governance in China: A modern perspective,” 2015, with F. Jiang, Journal of Corporate Finance 32
- “Family-firms risk-taking: Does religion matter?” 2015, with F. Jiang, Z. Jiang, and M. Zhang, Journal of Corporate Finance, forthcoming.
- “Product market competition and corporate investment,” 2015, with F. Jiang, J.R. Nofsinger, and B. Zhu, Journal of Corporate Finance, forthcoming.
- “Corporate Culture and Investment–Cash Flow Sensitivity”2017,with F Jiang, Y Ma, JR Nofsinger, and B Shi, Journal of Business Ethics 6
- “Bank competition and leverage adjustments”2017, with F Jiang, Z Jiang, J Huang, and JR Nofsinger, Financial Management 43(6).
- “A pecking order of shareholder structure”2017, with F Jiang, JR Nofsinger, and B Zhu, Journal of Corporate Finance 44
- 《公司治理:西方理論與中國實踐》2016,姜付秀,Kenneth A. Kim,王運通,北京大學 出版社.