Keanu Reeves

《Keanu Reeves》是Logic演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Keanu Reeves》中。


  • 外文名:Keanu Reeves
  • 所屬專輯:Keanu Reeves
  • 歌曲時長:3分46秒
  • 歌曲原唱:Logic
I'm the one, *******, I am the one, like Keanu Reeves
我就是你夢寐以求想成為的人 ** 我就像是Keanu Reeves【The one黑客帝國中的人物(Neo)】
Get it done, yeah, I get it done, no blood on the leaves
成功完成任務 我通關了 滴血未沾
They can't leave us hangin',
No, no, not no more, best believe
不 不 不要再這樣了 最好相信
Yeah, that ******* is banging,
Bobby killed it with no time to grieve
I'm the one, *******, I am the one, like Keanu Reeves
我就是你夢寐以求想成為的人 ** 我就像是Keanu Reeves
Get it done, yeah, I get it done, no blood on the leaves
成功完成任務 我通關了 滴血未沾
They can't leave us hangin',
No, no, not no more, best believe
不 不 不要再這樣了 最好相信
Yeah, that ******* is banging,
Bobby killed it with no time to grieve, ayy
At the Garden, sitting courtside,
Look around like, "Oh my God"
四處張望 "Oh my God"
I just sold this mother*******er out, I ain't even try
演唱會的票一掃而光 我還沒來得及做宣傳
I ain't one to floss, but I got plaques, run it back
我可從不用牙線剔牙 但我卻有牙斑 快滾吧
Once I touchdown, I go deep like a running back
一旦我觸底得分 我就像後衛一樣深入敵後
Just jumped on the private jet and rolled a joint
就只是跳上我的私人飛機 騰雲吐霧
Played the beat then wrote that joint
Wrote a whole movie, then I sold that joint
提筆寫完Bad Robot(電影) 就專賣了著作權
******* Illuminati, that boy 6ix got my back
去他的Illuminati 我有我兄弟6ix支持我
6ix made this beat, 6ix bring the heat
6ix製作了這首歌的beat 6ix給我帶來許多熱度
You got on repeat, word on the street
你一直做著同樣的事 街邊有許多流言
Can't no one compete, I'm spectacular
沒人能與我一決高下 我所向披靡
That boy got the sauce on the regular
I don't play no games 'less we talkin' Fortnite
我對遊戲不感*趣 除非一起開黑Fortnite(堡壘之夜)
Finally knew I made it, sittin' at the red light
最終我還是成功了 坐在紅燈前
When them soccer moms pull up in they van while I ride
當我上街飆車時 看著你的家人開著小轎車
Like, "Oh my God, children, it's the 1-800 guy"
嘴裡喊著Oh my God 孩子們 那就是唱1-800(**熱線)的人
But my door's suicide, yeah, I'm too alive
但我的車門就是**式的 是的 我還活著呢
*******, I have arrived, everybody know I'm one hell of a guy
** 我一來臨 人盡皆知我的大名
I ain't tryna ******* your girl, I'm tryna ******* your mama
我不要**的** 我要**的mama
******* the drama, bank account got a extra comma
演完這齣 銀行賬戶還多了一個逗號
Yeah, they sweat me like the sauna
他們見我已汗流浹背 就像在蒸桑拿
Red carpet in my own merch, like that ******* is designer
我設計的產品正鋪著紅地毯在展覽 好像我是專門做這行的
Did you know I'm mixed like Obama?
It ain't a project if Logic ain't talkin' 'bout being biracial
如果Logic都不談論混血的事 就出不了上張專輯【Everybody】
Bicoastal, I'm platinum, go postal, I'm snappin'
雖拿了白金唱片 還是像有千斤重擔壓在我身 我變得很容易發火
Yeah, you know Bobby, but prolly' only know my new *******
是啊 你知道Bobby 但你卻只知道我最出名的那些歌曲
That trap *******, that cool *******,
那些trap歌曲 好像很酷似的
But they all know that fool spit
I'm the one, *******, I am the one, like Keanu Reeves
我就是你夢寐以求想成為的人 ** 我就像是Keanu Reeves
Get it done, yeah I get it done, no blood on the leaves
成功完成任務 我通關了 滴血未沾
They can't leave us hangin',
No, no, not no more, best believe
不 不 不要再這樣了 最好相信
Yeah, that ******* is banging,
Bobby killed it with no time to grieve
I'm the one, *******, I am the one, like Keanu Reeves
我就是你夢寐以求想成為的人 ** 我就像是Keanu Reeves
Get it done, yeah, I get it done, no blood on the leaves
成功完成任務 我通關了 滴血未沾
They can't leave us hangin',
No, no, not no more, best believe
不 不 不要再這樣了 最好相信
Yeah, that ******* is banging,
Bobby killed it with no time to grieve, ayy
Yeah, you know you made it when they make a meme for ya
是的 你知道我成功了 他們都在模仿我的風格
Haters that never made it, I'm living the dream for ya
恨我的人絕對做不到這樣的成就 我已功成名就
Roll up, grab the kush and then roll up
捲起 拿點菸草 再捲起來
Hold up, better give me what I want when I show up
等等 當我出現時 最好給我所需要的
You know what I do, not who coming through
你知道我應該去幹嘛 不是像你這種閒雜人等
How 'bout you?
******* you, ******* you, ******* you, you're cool
你 你 還有你 你們都不行
I don't ******* with nobody like mean girls in high school
我和誰都沒有往來 就像高中那些尖酸刻薄的女孩
I don't give a damn that I'm famous
Why it seem like every single celebrity shameless, it's dangerous
Got fifty million but my swag on food stamps
賺了五千多萬 可我還是花了許多錢在糧票之上
All these models poppin’ bottles, *******, I ain't tryna dance
這些模特全都在酗酒 ** 我可不想跳舞
She said, "No, I don't wanna pay my bills"
她說 不 我不想付賬單
I need a hard working woman with respect who will
This for everybody who ain't made it yet
Got five degrees and six figures in debt
獲得了5個學位 卻還欠了6位數的債
Follow your dreams ho, follow your— follow your—, uh
追隨你的夢想 追隨你的 追隨你的
Somebody calling your, uh, it's destiny
有人在前方呼喚著你 呃 這就是命運
Hold up with the turn up for a second man, who's testing me?
再來一個人吧 到底是誰在考驗我?
I got so much power, don't know why the heavens blessing me
我總是渾身充滿幹勁 不知道為什麼上天總是保佑著我
PLP, I think that is the recipe
PLP 我想這就是我成功的秘訣【即peace(和平) love與positivity(努力)】
So I'ma take a moment, use my power for good
所以我要花點時間 好好利用我的力量
******* the bull*******, do what you love and get out the hood
不要再胡說八道 做你想做的事 就像The hood**懲罰者【漫威超級反派】
I'm the one, *******, I am the one, like Keanu Reeves
我就是你夢寐以求想成為的人 ** 我就像是Keanu Reeves
Get it done, yeah I get it done, no blood on the leaves
成功完成任務 我通關了 滴血未沾
They can't leave us hangin',
No, no, not no more, best believe
不 不 不要再這樣了 最好相信
Yeah, that ******* is banging,
Bobby killed it with no time to grieve
I'm the one, *******, I am the one, like Keanu Reeves
我就是你夢寐以求想成為的人 ** 我就像是Keanu Reeves
Get it done, yeah, I get it done, no blood on the leaves
成功完成任務 我通關了 滴血未沾
They can't leave us hangin',
No, no, not no more, best believe
不 不 不要再這樣了 最好相信
Yeah, that ******* is banging,
Bobby killed it with no time to grieve, ayy


