KONG EFANG,女,博士研究生畢業,理學博士學位,電子科技大學數學科學學院教授,博士生導師。
- 中文名:孔恩芳
- 畢業院校:新加坡國立大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 任職院校:電子科技大學
發表文章: 1 Uniform Bahadur Representation for Nonparametric Censored Quantile Regression: A Redistribution-of-Mass Approach Econometric Theory 2016 2 An Adaptive Composite Quantile Approach to Dimension Reduction Annals of Statistics 2014 3 Global Bahadur Representation for Nonparametric Censored Regression Quantiles and Its Applications. Econometric Theory 2013 4 A Single-index Quantile Regression Model And Its Estimation. Econometric Theory 2012 5 Composite Coefficient of Determination and Its Application in Ultrahigh Dimensional Variable Screening. Journal of the American Statistical Association Accepted 2018 6. On the E ciency of Online Approach to Nonparametric Smoothing of Big Data. 2018 Statistica Sinica 7.UNIFORM BAHADURREPRESENTATION FOR LOCAL POLYNOMIAL ESTIMATES OF M-REGRESSION AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE ADDITIVE MODEL Econometric Theory 2010 8. STATISTICAL MODELLING OF NONLINEAR LONG-TERM CUMULATIVE EFFECTS 2010 Statistica Sinica 9.Variable selection for the single-index model. 2007 Biometrika 10. Empirical Likelihood Confidence Region for Parameters in Semi-linear Errors-in-Variables Models. 2006 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 11. Factor Models for Asset Returns Based on Transformed Factors. Journal of Econometrics. 2018 Accepted
1995.9 -- 1999.7
上海師範大學 基礎數學 大學本科畢業 理學學士學位
1999.9 -- 2002.7
北京師範大學 數理統計 碩士研究生畢業 理學碩士學位
2002.7 -- 2006.7
新加坡國立大學 統計 博士研究生畢業 理學博士學位
2016.1 -- 至今
電子科技大學數學科學學院 專任教師
2009.1 -- 2015.12
University of Kent at Canterbury, School of Mathematics Lecturer
2006.8 -- 2006.12
National University of Singapore, Dept of Mathematics Research Fellow
2001.1 -- 2008.12
Techinique Universiteit Eindhoven, Dept of Mathematics Postdoc Research Fellow
學術經歷: 2009.1-2006.12英國肯特大學 講師 2007.1-2008.12 荷蘭埃因霍芬大學 博士後; 2006.12 新加坡國立大學 博士