KARGO 簡單的購物清單

KARGO 簡單的購物清單

《KARGO 簡單的購物清單》是一款IOS平台的套用,支持iOS5.0及以上版本,軟體大小是578.87KB。


  • 軟體名稱:KARGO 簡單的購物清單
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:578.87KB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.0及以上
簡單和冷靜的購物清單,“KARGO”! - 錯誤報告 - 總價格不能正確計算。很抱歉不便。現在我試圖修復它。請稍候片刻。 - 註冊通常的產品到您最喜愛的清單! - 請在7秒內你今天的購物清單從你最喜歡的列表中選擇產品! - 注意產品名稱,備註,價格和金額! - 有幾個貨幣單位可供選擇,如€,英鎊,美元和! - 禁用自動螢幕鎖,防止您的購物從鎖屏! - 顯示徽章的圖示,提醒您要購買的產品,其餘的你! 我將不勝感激,如果你給的反饋和要求給我! Simple and cool shopping list, "Kargo" ! -Bug report- Total price cannot be calculated correctly. Sorry for inconvenience. Now I am trying to fix it. Please wait for a while. - Register usual products to your favorite list! - Make your today's shopping list within 7 seconds by choosing products from your favorite list ! - Note product name, memo, price, and amount ! - Several currency unit are available, such as €, £, and $ ! - Disable auto screen lock which prevent your shopping from screen lock ! - Display badge icon to remind you of the rest of products you have to purchase ! I would appreciate if you give feedback and request to me !


