Justice in glory

Justice in glory

《Justice in glory》是一款英語遊戲,遊戲大小為13.5MB。


  • 原版名稱:Justice in glory
  • 開發商:Celestial Digital Entertainment Limited
  • 最新版本:1.0.3
  • 最新版本大小:13.5 MB


與 iPhone、iPod touch、iPad 兼容。需要 iOS 3.0 或更高版本


Barry's grandmother lost her hard-earned savings to an insurance company after it was declared bankrupt. The law cannot do anything to help the policy owners to get back their money as most of the insurance agents quit the company with the policy owner's money after it went bankrupt.
Barry decides to take matters into his own hands to help her grandmother by ambushing those insurance agents on the streets with tools like tomatoes, ice cream cakes, plastic sling shot, water gun and an air gun. The main motive is to get back Barry's grandmother's money so Barry do not wish to hurt anyone in the process. Do not hurt innocent passer-bys or your health points will be deducted.
Justice In Glory is a horizontal scrolling action game. You play as Barry who will walk from the streets to the insurance company‘s office, defending yourself from the insurance agents. There will be employees stopping you from entering the main office. You have to use your tools and agility to knock out those insurance agents before reaching the safe that stores your grandmother's money.
You mission in this game is to return what doesn’t belong to them to your grandma and the policy owners. Be careful of those paper tossed from the agents as they hurt your health. You will be apprehended by the police for causing an nuisance in the office once your health bar drops to zero.
Justice in glory
Justice in glory
Justice in glory
Justice in glory


