

joyful,英文單詞,形容詞,作形容詞時譯為‘‘ 歡喜的;令人高興的‘’。


  • 外文名:joyful
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 單詞發音:英 [ˈdʒɔɪfl] 美 [ˈdʒɔɪfl]


英 [ˈdʒɔɪfl] 美 [ˈdʒɔɪfl]


Joyful Gathering 歡聚一堂
joyful work 快樂工作
Joyful Road 歡樂賽車 ; 歡樂賽車街機遊戲


  • 1It was a joyful meeting.這是一次令人高興的見面。
  • 2I feel—I feel as if I want to shout out something—something thankful, joyful!我覺得——我覺得我想要大聲喊出一些東西——一些感激的、令人高興的東西!
  • 3A wedding is a joyful celebration of love.婚禮是令人喜悅的愛情慶典。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4We're a very joyful people; we're very musical people and we love music.我們是非常快樂的民族;我們是音樂之族;我們熱愛音樂。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Though they had tiring days, these children were joyful.雖然他們的日子很累,但這些孩子卻很快樂。
  • 6Just a few days after the signs went up, he found people sitting there and engaging in active and joyful conversations.就在張貼告示幾天后,他發現人們坐在那裡,進行著積極愉快的交談。
  • 7He called, full of joyful excitement, "hold on!"他滿懷喜悅和興奮地喊道:“停下!”
  • 8A New Year is beginning. Be joyful, one and all!新的一年開始了,所有人都要快樂!
  • 9The meeting with the old comrades-in-arms is a joyful one.與老戰友們的會面是愉快的。
  • 10How easy it is to recommend joy to those who cannot be joyful!向那些不能快樂的人推薦快樂是多么容易啊!
  • 11"Heidi, your song was lovely," he said with a more joyful voice.“海蒂,你的詩歌很好聽。”他用更歡快的聲音說。
  • 12She just loved it but she said as th' blue sky allus looked so joyful.她愛它,但她說,她更愛藍天,因為它看起來很快樂。
  • 13It's exciting and joyful in a way that you don't get from a regular bike.騎普通腳踏車沒有這種興奮和喜悅的感覺。
  • 14Grown-ups and children were amazed and joyful during the balloon festival.在氣球節期間,大人和孩子們都收穫了驚喜,感到非常開心。
  • 15"I felt so joyful," said Colin, opening his beautiful strange eyes at her.“我太高興了。”科林說,睜開了他那雙美麗而奇怪的眼睛看著她。
  • 16What it feels like to you when you're worried or depressed or joyful or in love?當你擔心、沮喪、快樂或墜入愛河時,你的感受是什麼?
  • 17It could be joyful if the other person responses could be hell on earth if you feel rejected.如果你感到被拒絕,對方的反應可能是人間地獄,這可能是件令人高興的事。
  • 18Of course you will come to your discussion sections in the same state of joyful preparedness.你們當然需要參與到討論中來,並做好充分的課前準備。
  • 19Bad school conditions make it all the more important to turn learning into a joyful experience.惡劣的學校條件使得把學習變成快樂的經歷變得更加重要。
  • 20People drink up their wine to communicate the message to others that they are sincere and joyful.人們把酒喝完是為了向別人傳達一種信息,即他們是真誠的、快樂的。
  • 21It's a story about his family before he left and sort of how he had a very happy, joyful life with his family.這是一個關於他離開前的家庭的故事,講述了他是如何和他的家人過著幸福快樂的生活。
  • 22A spark of the true you suddenly enters your awareness and you feel joyful and inspired after having been with them.一點真我的靈性閃光突然進入了你的意識,並且在與他們相處之後你感覺到了喜悅和充滿了靈感。
  • 23A gust of wind blew, which caused my wind chimes to dance. They made a joyful sound, but I lost my concentration again.一陣風吹起,風鈴跟著跳動起來。它們奏響了歡快的音樂,可是我的注意力又再次分散了。
  • 24David told the leaders of the Levites to appoint their brothers as singers to sing joyful songs, accompanied by musical instruments: lyres, harps and cymbals.大衛吩咐利未人的族長,派他們的弟兄作歌手,唱歡樂的歌曲,並用琴、瑟、鈸這些樂器伴奏。
  • 25It is joyful freedom.這是令人愉快的自由。
  • 26Amid this joyful Sunday, the phone rang.就在這個快樂的星期日,電話鈴響了。
  • 27That's very joyful.那是非常愉快的。
  • 28How can one haunted by madness be joyful?一個飽受瘋癲折磨人如何才能喜悅?


