Jouissance des hystériques, La

《Jouissance des hystériques, La》是由Jan Bucquoy執導的電影,由Jan Bucquoy擔任編劇,由Jan Bucquoy、Marie Bucquoy、Natacha Drion主演。


  • 外文名:Jouissance des hystériques, La
  • 導演:Jan Bucquoy
  • 編劇:Jan Bucquoy
  • 主演:Jan Bucquoy、Marie Bucquoy、Natacha Drion
  • 上映時間:2000年8月30日


A director in his midlife-crisis (Jan Bucquoy) wants to start a new movie and he invites twelve actresses in his flat in Brussels. Every actress tries to convince him of her talent. The director tries to seduce them at the same time but this is not what they want, or at least they do not want to give this impression. When the movie starts, the choosen ones develop into nasty characters who do not listen to their director, f.i. Evelyne quarrels with him (Evelyne Letawe). The making of the movie turns into chaos with one of the male characters (Noël Godin) running after one of the actresses into a river. At the same time the director has to make a travel to Bali to bring back one of his favourites: Gail (Gail Verhasselt). The movie is full of quotations of famous writers (Guy Debord) and the title of the movie is the title of a book by Lucien Israël (La Jouisssance de l' Hystérique). The director makes public orations and explains his analysis of capitalism. His call for the revolution is pathetic and it makes the situation at the filmset even worse... Like most directors he tends to be ego-maniacal but his choosen actresses don't accept this!
一位處於中年危機的導演(簡·布科伊飾)想要開始一部新電影,他邀請了12位女演員到他在布魯塞爾的公寓裡。每個女演員都試圖讓他相信她的才華。導演試圖同時勾引他們,但這不是他們想要的,或者至少他們不想給人這種印象。當電影開始時,被選中的人發展成不聽導演伊夫琳的話的討厭的角色,伊夫琳和他吵架(伊夫琳·萊特維)。電影的製作變得混亂,一個男性角色(諾埃爾·戈丁)追著一個女演員跑進了一條河裡。與此同時,導演必須前往巴厘島,帶回他最喜歡的人之一:蓋爾(蓋爾·維哈瑟爾特)。這部電影充滿了著名作家(居伊·德波)的語錄,電影的標題是呂西安·伊斯雷爾(Lucien Israil)的一本書的標題。導演發表公開演說,解釋他對資本主義的分析。他對革命的呼籲是可悲的,這使得電影的情況更加糟糕...像大多數導演一樣,他傾向於自我狂熱,但他選擇的女演員不接受這一點!


Jan BucquoyJan Bucquoy
Marie BucquoyMarie Bucquoy
Drion NatachaNatacha Drion
Pierre MertensNoël Godin
Anne GrandhenryAnne Grandhenry


Jan BucquoyJan BucquoyMichel BaudourSeverine de Streyker


