約翰 ·泰斯(John·Tesh)美國最受歡迎的電視節目“Entertainment Tonight”的偶像主持人、一個資深音樂人、一位多才多藝的鋼琴演奏家。John Tesh是一位標準的新世紀鋼琴家作曲家製作人, 1988年才正式出道, 已出版大量的cd, video …電影/電視原聲帶, 聖誕節, 聖詩, 黑人靈歌, 福音老歌……也常跟福音歌手合作, 寫歌給point of grace, 幫micheal modoana 編曲……
- 中文名:約翰·泰斯
- 外文名:John Frank Tesh
- 別名:John Tesh
- 國籍:美國
- 出生地:紐約
- 出生日期:1952年7月5日
- 職業:作曲家、錄音藝術家、主持人
- 類型:New Age和Pop等
- 擅長樂器:鋼琴、鍵盤
享有美國“鋼琴教父”(資料來源於網上,經整理成的。這個稱呼在網上有幾個版本:“鋼琴英雄”、“鍵盤王子”;至於哪個是最準確的,還待知道的人修改。)美稱的約翰 ·泰斯(John·Tesh)從美國最收歡迎的電視節目“Entertainment Tonight”的偶像主持人、一個資深音樂人、一位多才多藝的鋼琴演奏家,他的音樂已經滲透人心,他的音樂 跨越流行、搖滾、福音、新世紀……他曾為多中體育比賽作曲,早期因為環法腳踏車大賽和全美田徑賽作主題曲而獲“埃米大獎”(EMMY AWARDS),之後又為92年巴塞隆納奧運 會的多項體育比賽作曲,他的每張音樂專輯都非常暢銷。
John Tesh是一位標準的新世紀鋼琴家作曲家製作人,1988年才正式出道,已出版大量的cd, video …電影/電視原聲帶,聖誕節,聖詩,黑人靈歌,福音老歌……也常跟福音歌手合作,寫歌給point of grace,幫micheal modoana 編曲……
1.《新世紀管弦樂 Pure Orchestra》
發行時間: 2001-01-16
出版者: Garden City Music
介質: Audio CD
本專輯精心挑選了11首具有代表性的、在新世紀音樂領域裡耳熟能詳的大師的音樂作品。讓一個擁有60位樂師的管弦樂隊來重新演繹。 希望能給你帶來一份意想不到,全新 的聽覺體驗。這樣的古典音樂比較容易讓人接受,並且喜歡。通過John Tesh音樂工作室的努力, 我們希望能從欣賞這張專輯的朋友中吸引更多的人喜歡古典音樂。喜歡NewAge的聽友,一定能在這張專輯中找到你熟悉的旋律。 有Enya ,Yanni ,Jim Brickman, Kitaro, George Winston, Loreena McKennitt, Kenny G,等等新世紀大師的、 用古典形式表現的作品。
1.Book of Days(Composed by Roma Enya / Ryan)
2.After the Sunrise(Composed by Yanni)
3.Picture This(Composed by Jim Brickman)
4.Silk Road(Composed by Kitaro)
5.Song for Jennifer(Composed by John / Schmidt, J. Eric Tesh)
6.Marching Season(Composed by Yanni)
7.Watermark(Composed by Nicky / Bhraonain, Eithne Ryan)
8.Longing / Love(Composed by George Winston)
9.The Mummer's Dance(Composed by Loreena McKennitt)
10.Dancin' In The Stars(Composed by Chip Davis)
11.Havana(Composed by Kenny G.)
12.Angel Eyes(Composed by Jim Brickman)
13.Blue(Composed by John / Schmidt, J. Eric Tesh)
2.《Victory - The Sports Colection》
對於作曲家John Tesh來說並不陌生與體育相關的音樂。他已經獲得艾美獎最佳作曲,他工作的泛美運動會,環法腳踏車賽,和NBC體育世界田徑錦標賽,他用音樂組成,在NBC轉播1992年巴塞隆納夏季奧運會。論勝利,Tesh的音樂實力和熱愛體育運動走到一起再次,導致收集的歌曲都被影響,在某種程度上發揮或觀測某種形式的體育盛會。正如可以預料,這些作品共鳴能源,緊張,喜悅;一個很好的例子是“巴塞隆納” ,激烈,快速移動的組成與西班牙風味,這是由奧運會以及城市本身,這既帶來的生活Tesh的典型大膽,無縫地製作風格。
3.Leave It To Gibber
5.Black Hole
6.Group Five
7.Spanish Steps - (live)
8.Roundball Rock - (live)
9.Gridiron Dreams
10.One To One
11.Wimby Thrills
12.Exit Mulholland
13.Destination Paris
3.《Sax All Night》
發行時間: 1997
出版者: Decca U.S.
介質: Audio CD
The final chapter in Tesh's trilogy of unforgivable pun album titles finds the multi-instrumentalist playing more soft-focus music for elevators and dental offices. The title cut however is beyond mere muzak; it's a funky, dirty grinder about everyone's favorite thing: funky, dirty S-A-X that goes all night. Say what you want about Tesh, but the guy's really good at sax.(以上采自一國外論壇)
1. Manhattan 24.7
2. Sax All Night
3. When Will Our Love Find A Way
4. San Panfilo
5. Dana Point
6. Mexico
7. Polar Express
8. Rocket Man
9. Red Rain
10. Come To My Window
發行時間: 1997-03-04
出版者: Decca U.S.
介質: Audio CD
2.Polar Express
3.Spanish Steps
5.The Inn On Mt. Ada
6.San Panfilo
8.Halcyon Days
9.Seven Fourty Seven
11.The View From Here
12.Avalon Shores
13.Bonus Track
5.《Grand Passion》
發行時間: 1998-01-27
出版者: Decca U.S.
介質: Audio CD
專輯介紹:If you are a Jim Brickman fan who believes it's just not hip to like John Tesh, Grand Passion could easily change your mind. Tesh, criticized at times for displays of bombast or excessive sentimentality in his compositions, here turns in a commendably restrained set of succinctly stated themes, many of them performed in a solo piano format--a surprising first for a keyboard artist who has nearly two dozen recordings in circulation. Tesh's economic compositions here feature structurally simple melodies that are uniformly likeable and, to the unjaded listener, truly touching. "Smooth jazz" radio programmers rarely, if ever, grant exposure to solo piano selections, so Tesh generated airplay by recruiting two R&B vocalists, James Ingram and Dalia Reid, to make guest appearances on two tracks, "Give Me Forever--I Do" and "Mother I Miss You," respectively. Nelson Rangell contributes saxophone to a quiet reworking of Tesh's familiar "Bastille Day," but beyond that Tesh goes it alone, delivering some lovely, thoughtful results in the process while consciously avoiding schmaltz. Ending "Song for Prima," a lullaby for his daughter, with a few high-register notes from "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" is a little corny, but an excusable digression considering the overall quality of this package. If pretty, well-conceived piano music is your passion, this is an album worthy of your attention. --Terry Wood
1.Halcyon Days
2.A Promise Of Love
3.Bastille Day
4.April Song
5.Grand Passion
6.Mother I Miss You
7.Song For Prima
8.In A Child's Eyes
9.The View From Here
10.Give Me Forever (I Do)
11.Goodnight Marie
12.The Homecoming
13.Dear Unknown
6.《One World》
發行時間: 1999-02-02
出版者: Decca U.S.
介質: Audio CD
專輯介紹:本張DVD是美國鋼琴英雄JOHN TESH精心籌劃拍攝,內容精彩絕倫,是在世界許多著名景點做現場表演及收錄。融合了羅馬古街道競技場,西班牙修道院,愛爾蘭古堡,印地安山谷,維也納宮殿等各地的著名景地的美麗景色,並且配以各民族風格的音樂及舞蹈。裡頭收錄有愛爾蘭音樂配合愛爾蘭踢踏舞及西班牙佛朗名哥鬥牛舞,以及在紐西蘭迎接2000千禧年的第一道曙光到來作鋼琴演奏表演(bonus2),更收錄了美國葛萊美最佳男歌手詹姆士殷格朗(James Ingram)的精彩演唱(bonus1),更值得一提的是裡面第七首印第安音樂是在大峽谷的峰頂上表演,音樂震撼,場景憾動,畫面清晰銳利,是難得一見的佳作。
1.Ganta Domine (The Pantheon Rome)
2.Flamenco Legato (Villa Aldobrandini, Italy)
3.Emerald bay (Dunguaire Castle,Galway, Ireland)
4.St,Agnes 'Treasure (Vaughn's Barn,Kifenora Ireland)
5.Sonata Di Roma (The Coliseum, Rome)
6.Valley Of Dreams (Monument Valley, Utah)
7.Who Am I? with Point of Grace (Northern Arizona)
我是誰——北阿利桑那 四個女人的輪唱重唱好想像正在講述這塊土地的過去,曾經發生的一切被她們優雅恬靜的聲音娓娓道來
8.Gloriette (Schonbrunn Palace Vienna)