John Owen

John Owen

約翰·歐文(John Owen,1616-1683.8.24)是英國新教教會領袖,神學家,素有英國的加爾文之稱。曾任英國牛津大學校長,對宗教改革貢獻卓著。


  • 中文名:約翰·歐文
  • 外文名:John Owen
  • 出生地:牛津郡的斯塔德漢普頓
  • 出生日期:1616
  • 逝世日期:1683.8.24
  • 畢業院校:牛津大學皇后學院




約翰·歐文出生在牛津郡的斯塔德漢普頓(Stadhampton,Oxford),曾就讀於牛津大學皇后學院(學士1632年,碩士1635年),學習典集和神學,並被任命為牧師。由於威廉勞德大主教(Archbishop William Laud)頒布的“高教會派(high-church)”新章程,他離開了大學,去做了貴族領主羅伯特·多馬爵士(Sir Robert Dormer)的家庭牧師兼導師。
1649年至1651年間,歐文得到奧利弗·克倫威爾(Oliver Cromwell)的賞賞識,在克倫威爾遠征愛爾蘭和蘇格蘭時歐文被任命為牧師隨軍。


約翰-歐文"無疑不只是英國清教徒運動中的偉大神學家也是同一時期歐洲改革派神學家中的翹楚,而且可以說是在英國出現的最有神學頭腦的人” ("Owen, John", inBiographical Dictionary of Evangelicals, p. 494)


  • Communion with God, Christian Heritage.ISBN 1-84550-209-4.
  • Works of John Owen(2000). OnCD-ROMfrom Ages Software.ISBN 5-550-03299-6.Of the Integrity and Purity of the Hebrew and Greek Text of the Scripture; with Considerations on the Prolegomena and Appendix to the Late “Biblia Polyglotta,” in vol. IX, The Works of John Owen,ed. Gould, William H, & Quick, Charles W., Philadelphia, PA: Leighton Publications, (1865)
  • Collected Works in 16 Volumes from theBanner of Truth Trust.ISBN 0-85151-392-1.
  • 七冊希伯來書注釋 from the Banner of Truth Trust.ISBN 0-85151-619-X.
  • The Mortification of Sin, Christian Heritage Publishers.ISBN 1-85792-107-0.
  • 聖經神學: The History of Theology From Adam to Christ or The Nature, Origin, Development, and Study of Theological Truth, In Six Books, Soli Deo Gloria Ministries.ISBN 1 - 877611 - 83 - 2.
  • Sin & Temptation: The Challenge to Personal Godliness. An abridgement by James M. Houston for modern readers of two of Owen's works.ISBN 1-55661-830-1.
  • The Glory of Christ: His Office and His Grace.ISBN 1-85792-474-6.
  • John Owen on Temptation - The Nature and Power of it, The Danger of Entering it and the Means of Preventing the Danger, Diggory Press,ISBN 978-1-84685-749-2
  • 基督之死所帶來的死亡之死, Diggory Press,ISBN 978-1-84685-740-9
  • The Divine Power of the Gospel, Diggory Press,ISBN 978-1-84685-740-9
  • A Dissertation on Divine Justice, Diggory Press,ISBN 978-1-84685-785-0
  • Gospel Grounds and Evidences of the Faith of God's Elect, Diggory Press,ISBN 978-1-84685-757-7
  • 生靈論- The Spirit and Regeneration(Book III ofPneumatologia), Diggory Press,ISBN 978-1-84685-810-9
  • 生靈論- The Spirit as a Comforter(Book VIII ofPneumatologia), Diggory Press,ISBN 978-1-84685-750-8
  • 生靈論- The Spirit and Prayer(Book VII ofPneumatologia), Diggory Press,ISBN 978-1-84685-752-2
  • 生靈論 - The Spiritual Gifts(Book IX ofPneumatologia), Diggory Press,ISBN 978-1-84685-751-5
  • The Oxford Orations of Dr. John Owen. Ed.Peter Toon. Trans. [from the Latin] supervised by John Glucker. Callington (Cornwall): Gospel Communication. 1971.ISBN 978-0-9501252-1-0.Online edition.


