Jamie Barnes

Jamie Barnes

Jamie Barnes成長在美國的Louisville,父親是一名鼓手,而他也時常在父親的樂隊里彈奏bass。


  • 本名:Jamie Barnes
  • 城市:Louisville
  • 父親職業:鼓手
  • 所屬國家:美國


作為獨立唱作人,Jamie用他的音樂充分表現出了lo-fi的精神,即要製作出一張溫暖動人的唱片,一間造價不菲,設備齊全的錄音室並不是一個必要條件,細膩的情感和娓娓動聽的旋律才是不可或缺的首要因素。The Recalibrated Heart已經是他的第三張專輯了,而他也依舊堅持在自己的公寓錄製每一首歌,演奏每一件樂器,用自己的方式給疲憊的都市人講述一個個平靜遙遠的故事。作品介紹
中文名稱:The Recalibrated Heart
專輯歌手:Jamie Barnes
唱片公司:Pink Bullet


01. Vampire Movie
02. Conflict Diamond
03. Song for the Mofa Seven04. Hell's Adopted Mile
Jamie Barnes
Jamie Barnes
05. Glory Days
06. Don't Turn My Love Down
07. Noelle, Noelle
08. Violet Morning
09. Day That Cuts Till Dawn
10. Harp of the Fool
專輯名稱:Honey from the Ribcage
專輯歌手:Jamie Barnes
專輯類型:Indie Pop/Folk/Alternative
發行時間: 2005年05月10日
地區: 美國專輯介紹:
Jamie Barnes
Jamie 的第二張專輯Honey from the Ribcage採用了更多的管弦樂編曲,並更加有個人風格。歌詞內容主要是關注個人的恐懼、情感,以及生命中的事件等。比如第一首歌Second Guess My Own是關於Jamie罹患長期性失憶症,而Red Prescription則是關於他與導致他失憶的處方藥搏鬥的事。整張專輯中,惡魔、天使、生物,以及顏色都是一件事或另一件事的象徵。
Jamie Barnes' sophomore effort is a pleasant listen that shows once again that one-man bands can be pretty detailed things these days, given home-recording capabilities. The list of instruments played is as long as one's arm, but the key needs to be whether or not it's all worth something in the end. On balance, it is, though Honey from the Ribcage is more contemplative than in your face, often creating an easy feeling not all that far removed from, say, Dan Fogelberg -- but if that doesn't raise hackles automatically, then there's nothing to fear. As it is, Barnes has more on his mind than reflections on masculinity during the Carter Administration, with songs touching on Biblical themes (the album title refers to the story of Samson) and questions of spirituality slowly, gently unfolding across the course of 40 minutes. Barnes' warm, softly yearning voice is instantly calming, an instrument in its own right that suggests lazy hours on a porch during a warm spring evening. That he can tackle the kind of subjects and language almost more familiar from the rampages of the Swans or Nick Cave's extremities on gentler songs like "Three Suns" and make it work is well to his credit. The album's only guest, Will Cummings, adds some great organ and harmonies on "Red Prescription," but Barnes' harmonies with himself stand up just fine elsewhere. Musically, Barnes' attention to detail often comes to the fore unexpectedly -- consider how the echo and what sounds initially like soft trumpet during the break on "Snow Angel" add a cascading depth to a strong song. The jauntier swing of "Pearly Gate & Son Pest Control" -- which has an absolutely brilliant title and perversely humorous lyrical conceit in addressing unsettling subject matter about sin and a vengeful deity -- shows yet another side to this surprisingly complex album.
01. Second Guess My Own
02. Snow Angel
03. Red Prescription
04. Pearly Gate & Son Pest Control
05. Three Suns
06. The Sword That Divides
07. Black Lung
08. Oil Rig
09. All These Things Are So
10. White Owl

