Jacob Held,演員,參演電影《得意的一天》。
- 外文名:Jacob Held
- 職業:演員
- 代表作品:得意的一天
上映時間 | 劇名 | 扮演角色 |
2005-4-27 | 得意的一天 | Matt |
Jacob Held,演員,參演電影《得意的一天》。
上映時間 | 劇名 | 扮演角色 |
2005-4-27 | 得意的一天 | Matt |
Drägert, K., Bhattacharya, I., Pellegrini, G., Seebeck, P., Azzi, A., Brown, S. A., Georgiopoulou, S., Held, U., Blyszczuk, P., Arras, M., Humar, R., Hall, M. N., Battegay, E. and Haas, E. (2015) ‘Deletion of Rictor in Brain and Fat Alters Peripheral Clock ...
綁架案 Held Up (1999)"Shasta McNasty" (1999)愛情向前沖 Home Fries (1998)國家公敵/全民公敵(台)/高度反擊(港) Enemy of the State (1998)怒走黑豹 Black Cat Run (1998)The Making of 'The Frighteners' (1998)星河戰隊/星艦戰隊/星河戰艦/星河艦隊 Starship Troopers (1997)Quiet Days in Hollywood (...
《洞穴生活》是由Tony Mendoza執導的驚悚類電影,由Jacob Blodgett、H.E. Joyce等擔任編劇,由Lauren Jenna、Cassandra Nuss主演。劇情簡介 In a warehouse in the middle of nowhere, two rival prostitutes held against their will join forces to help a 9 year-old girl escape her future as a child sex ...
Held at gunpoint by Annie, he tells her to trust her instincts and either shoot him or let him go. She chooses the latter, and then lies to Auggie about having seen him. Calder learns that Auggie falsified Annie's medical records, but declines to pursue the matter after Auggie and Annie...
(22)Lance Allred,“The Tenure of Provincial Governors:Some Observations”,in Steven Garfinkle and Manuel Molina(eds.),From the 21st Century B.C.to the 21st Century A.D.:Proceedings of the International Conference on Sumerian Studies Held in Madrid 22-24 July 2010,Winona Lake:Eisenbrauns,2013,...
《長角戀過界》是由David Lewis執導,Jacob Newton、Derek Efrain Villanueva等主演的喜劇片。該片講述了大學生Kevin和兄弟會的哥們鬼混,一起把妹的故事。劇情簡介 作為出軌電影,“長角戀過界”惡搞而不惡俗。電影忠實的復原了80年代德州的服飾髮型、流行歌曲,甚至歷史事件都有據可查。對兄弟會的“男性友誼”充滿嘲弄...
24For the last three years, light shows on the Bund have been successfully held for New Year's Eve celebrations, but this year the light show was canceled and there were fewer police on hand.在過去的三年里,外灘的燈光表演在新年前夜的慶祝活動上成功舉辦,但今年的燈光表演被取消了,現場的警察...
作詞 : Jacob Whitesides/David Spencer/Amy Stroup 作曲 : Jacob Whitesides/David Spencer/Amy Stroup When you touched me I used to feel 當你我觸碰,曾感覺 A wave deep inside where the ocean rolls a tide 沉溺在海洋深處翻滾的暗流 Like something real 愛著此刻般的真實無暇 When you held me I ...
The cartoon character, "Daddy" Oliver Warbucks in the Little Orphan Annie series, was purportedly inspired by the life and times of Paul Warburg. The Paul M. Warburg chair in Economics at Harvard University was named in his honour, a title which is currently held by Professor Robert J. ...