
《Interviews》是Indica 、 Croosh演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Interviews》。


  • 外文名:Interviews
  • 所屬專輯:Interviews
  • 歌曲原唱:Indica 、 Croosh
  • 發行日期:2017年4月12日
Everywhere I go, everywhere I go like an interview
無論我走到哪 所到之處都如同在接受採訪
You know I'm on edge but that's nothin' new
你們知道我神經緊繃 這沒什麼可新奇的
Askin' questions, askin' questions like it's 21 questions
不停地問 不厭其煩地問 好像有問不完的問題一樣
Where I'm goin', my intentions, that **** got me stressin'
問我前往何處 問我的意圖 這都***使我倍感壓力
Everywhere I go like an interview
You know I'm on edge but that's nothin' new
你們知道我煩躁至極 這沒什麼可新奇的
Askin' questions, askin' questions like it's 21 questions
不停地問 不厭其煩地問 好像有問不完的問題一樣
Where I'm goin', my intentions, that **** got me stressin'
問我前往何處 問我的意圖 這都***使我倍感壓力
I know they recordin', gotta watch what I say
我知道他們在錄像 想以鏡頭記錄我所說的一切
You're like way too borin', you ain't got **** to say
你們真的很無聊 快***給我住嘴
How many, how many flights have I missed today?
多少次 我今天又要錯過多少次航班
Yeah, how many, how many times I ****** your ***** today?
Yeah 我今天又要問候你全家多少次
Watch how you talk to me, dude
拜託老兄 注意點和我說話的方式
My temper's short like a fuse
Cut a ***** off if she rude, yeah
你若出言不遜 就***麻煩滾開 yeah
I do not have **** to prove
Everywhere I go like an interview
You know I'm on edge but that's nothin' new
你們知道我神經緊繃 這沒什麼可新奇的
Askin' questions, askin' questions like it's 21 questions
不停地問 不厭其煩地問 好像有問不完的問題一樣
Where I'm goin', my intentions, that **** got me stressin'
問我前往何處 問我的意圖 這都***使我倍感壓力
Everywhere I go like an interview
You know I'm on edge but that's nothin' new
你們知道我煩躁至極 這沒什麼可新奇的
Askin' questions, askin' questions like it's 21 questions
不停地問 不厭其煩地問 好像有問不完的問題一樣
Where I'm goin', my intentions, that **** got me stressin'
問我前往何處 問我的意圖 這都***使我倍感壓力
Yeah, question after question, you seem interested
Yeah 問題接踵而至 你們似乎興趣不減
Yeah, playin' good cop, bad cop, tryna get confessions
Yeah 唱紅臉的唱白臉的 都想從我口中套話
Ahaha, think you're slick, you can't catch me slip
Aha 你們自以為機智老練 我定然無從脫逃
Bi-bi-bite my lip, hold my tongue, from the internet
咬緊牙關 保持沉默 遠離網路
Doors open up, that have always been closed, yeah
敞開那扇常年緊閉的大門吧 Yeah
Ice in my cup, fill it up, make a toast, yeah
朝杯中擲滿冰塊 酒溢出杯沿 讓我們乾杯 Yeah
To this way of life, live it 'til we die
就以這樣的方式活著 直至我們生命流逝
If I know the truth, I don't mind the lies
若我知曉真相 又何必介意流言
Everywhere I go like an interview
You know I'm on edge but that's nothin' new
你們知道我煩躁至極 這沒什麼可新奇的
Askin' questions, askin' questions like it's 21 questions
不停地問 不厭其煩地問 好像有問不完的問題一樣
Where I'm goin', my intentions, that **** got me stressin'
問我前往何處 問我的意圖 這都***使我倍感壓力
I'm supposed to be the franchise player,
And we're in here talking about practice.
I know I'm supposed to lead by example,
I know that. And I'm not shoving it aside,
You know, like it don't mean anything.
I know it's important, I do, I honestly do.
But we talking about practise, man.
What are we talking about? Practise?

