Interpersonal Skills in Organizations

Interpersonal Skills in Organizations

《Interpersonal Skills in Organizations》是2011年出版的圖書,作者是de Janasz Suzanne,Dowd Karen O.,Schneider Beth Z.。


  • 外文名:Interpersonal Skills in Organizations
  • 作者:Suzanne De Janasz、Karen O. Dowd、Beth Z. Schneider
  • 出版時間:2011年3月
  • ISBN:9780078112560
  • 定價:202.27 美元


Unit 1 Intrapersonal Effectiveness: Understanding Yourself
1. Journey into Self-awareness
2. Self-disclosure and Trust
3. Establishing Goals Consistent with Your Values and Ethics
4. Self-management
Unit 2 Interpersonal Effectiveness: Understanding and Working with Others
5. Understanding and Working with Diverse Others
6. The Importance and Skill of Listening
7. Communicating Effectively
8. Persuading Individuals and Audiences
Unit 3 Understanding and Working in Teams
9. Negotiation
10. Building Teams and Work Groups
11. Managing Conflict
12. Achieving Business Results through Effective Meetings
13. Facilitating Team Success
14. Making Decisions and Solving Problems Creatively
Unit 4 Leading Individuals and Groups
15. Power and Politicking
16. Networking and Mentoring
17. Coaching and Providing Feedback for Improved Performance
18. Leading and Empowering Self and Others
19. Project Management


蘇姍娜·傑納茲(Suzanne C.De Janasz),美國維吉尼亞州瑪麗-華盛頓大學領導學與管理學副教授,主講領導學、談判、組織行為學、人力資源管理、人際溝通技巧、管理溝通技巧等課程。她對工作與家庭的衝突、領導學等領域有專門的研究,相關成果發表於Academy of Management Executive,Journal of Organizational Behavior.Journal of Management Education等雜誌。曾榮獲組織行為學教育協會(OBTS)頒發的教育新人獎,瑪麗-華盛頓大學的Jepson學者獎及美國富布賴特學者獎。
卡倫·多德(Karen O.Dowd),美國印第安納州聖母大學職業發展教育項目資深主任,美國高校與僱主聯合會會員,美國MBA職業服務委員會理事。
貝絲·施奈德(Beth Z.Schneider),美國喬治-梅森大學管理學院教師,學院兩門主幹課程商務模式和商務溝通的協調人和知名教授。

