Inside Graduate Admissions

Inside Graduate Admissions

《Inside Graduate Admissions》是2016年Harvard University Press出版的圖書,作者是Julie R. Posselt。


  • 中文名:Inside Graduate Admissions
  • 作者:Julie R. Posselt
  • 出版社:Harvard University Press
  • ISBN:9780674088696


How does graduate admissions work? Who does the system work for, and who falls through its cracks? More people than ever seek graduate degrees, but little has been written about who gets in and why. Drawing on firsthand observations of admission committees and interviews with faculty in 10 top-ranked doctoral programs in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, education professor Julie Posselt pulls back the curtain on a process usually conducted in secret.
Inside Graduate Admissions presents admissions from decision makers' point of view, including thought-provoking episodes of committees debating the process, interviewing applicants, and grappling with borderline cases. Who ultimately makes the admit list reveals as much about how professors see themselves--and each other--as it does about how they view students. Professors in these programs say that they admit on merit, but they act on different meanings of the term. Disciplinary norms shape what counts as merit, as do professors' ideas about intelligence and their aversions to risk, conflict, ambiguity, and change. Professors also say that they seek diversity, but Posselt shows that their good intentions don't translate into results. In fact, faculty weigh diversity in only a small fraction of admissions decisions. Often, they rely upon criteria that keep longstanding inequalities in place.
More equitable outcomes occur when admissions committees are themselves diverse and when members take a fresh look at inherited assumptions that affect their judgment. To help academic departments promote transparency and accountability, Posselt closes with concrete strategies to improve admissions review.


Gatekeeping Reconsidered 1
Chapter One Decision Making as Deliberative Bureaucracy 20
Chapter Two Meanings of Merit and Diversity 46
Chapter Three Disciplinary Logics 74
Chapter Four Mirror Mirror 95
Chapter Five The Search for Intelligent Life 116
Chapter Six International Students and Ambiguities of Holistic Review 133
Merit beyond the Mirror 154
Methodological Appendix 179
Notes 193
References 215
Acknowledgments 241
Index 243
More equitable outcomes occur when admissions committees are themselves diverse and when members take a fresh look at inherited assumptions that affect their judgment. To help academic departments promote transparency and accountability, Posselt closes with concrete strategies to improve admissions review.


Gatekeeping Reconsidered 1
Chapter One Decision Making as Deliberative Bureaucracy 20
Chapter Two Meanings of Merit and Diversity 46
Chapter Three Disciplinary Logics 74
Chapter Four Mirror Mirror 95
Chapter Five The Search for Intelligent Life 116
Chapter Six International Students and Ambiguities of Holistic Review 133
Merit beyond the Mirror 154
Methodological Appendix 179
Notes 193
References 215
Acknowledgments 241
Index 243


