In the Shadow of the Cobra

《In the Shadow of the Cobra》是由Art Carnage執導的電影,由Ira Schwartz擔任編劇,由肖恩·揚J. Acheson、Gulshan Grover主演。


  • 外文名:In the Shadow of the Cobra
  • 導演:Art Carnage
  • 編劇:Ira Schwartz
  • 主演:肖恩·揚、J. Acheson、Gulshan Grover
  • 上映時間:2004年


In the vein of Raiders of the Lost Ark, this action-packed thriller takes us on a roller-coaster ride from the bone-chilling cold of Moscow to the mystical beauty of India. An ancient tablet found by famous British Archaeologist Professor Hyde-White is believed to be a road map to the legendary Lost Temple of Faramundi and its hidden treasures. But before he is able to set out on his expedition, the Professor, along with the tablet, are taken hostage by a group of mercenaries, led by the vicious Philipe Gallo. When the Professor is found missing, one of his students, Jake Whitcomb, finds the Professor's journal, inside of which is a copy of the map. Jake decides to take action. Knowing that the legend of the Temple describes ancient mystical music as the key to unlock its secrets, Jake enlists the help of Samantha "Sam" Kincaid, an expert musicologist. The two are catapulted into the chase of their lives in the pursuit of the kidnapped Professor and the Lost Temple. Nothing is easy for this pair. As Jake and Sam bicker throughout their trek across India, they find Kabir, a museum curator who possesses an artifact, which he claims can produce the musical tone required to open the door to the Temple. Throughout their journey they survive gun battles, vicious hand-to-hand fighting, vision-blurring car chases, and a heart-stopping train wreck hundreds of feet above a rocky gorge. Tired, bruised, and out of breath, they finally free the Professor and arrive at the Temple of Faramundi only minutes before Gallo and his men. Inside the breathtaking structure, they discover wondrous artifacts of an advanced but long dead civilization. Amid a towering forest of shimmering crystals, they begin to explore this ancient marvel. When the mercenaries catch up, Sam, Jake, and the rest of their entourage find themselves in the clutches of the bloodthirsty Gallo.
這部動作驚悚片以《迷失方舟的掠奪者》為主線,帶領我們乘坐過山車,從冰冷的莫斯科到神秘美麗的印度。英國著名考古學家海德·懷特教授發現的一塊古代石碑被認為是通往傳說中失落的法拉蒙迪神廟及其隱藏寶藏的路線圖。但在他能夠出發遠征之前,這位教授連同平板電腦一起被一群僱傭兵劫持為人質,這些僱傭兵由邪惡的菲利普·加洛(Philipe Gallo)領導。當教授被發現失蹤時,他的一名學生傑克·惠特科姆(Jake Whitcomb)找到了教授的日記,其中有一份地圖副本。傑克決定採取行動。傑克知道廟宇的傳說將古代神秘音樂描述為解開其秘密的鑰匙,於是他向音樂學家薩曼莎“山姆”金凱尋求幫助。兩人在追捕被綁架的教授和失蹤的聖殿的過程中陷入了生命的追逐。對這一對來說,沒有什麼是容易的。當傑克和山姆在穿越印度的旅途中爭吵不休時,他們找到了卡比爾,一位博物館館長,他擁有一件文物,他聲稱這件文物可以產生打開神廟大門所需的音樂音調。在整個旅程中,他們經歷了槍戰、惡毒的肉搏戰、視線模糊的汽車追逐,以及數百英尺高的岩石峽谷上令人心跳停止的火車殘骸。疲憊不堪、青腫不堪、上氣不接下氣,他們終於解救了這位教授,並在蓋洛和他的手下到來之前幾分鐘到達了法拉蒙迪神廟。在這個令人驚嘆的建築里,他們發現了一個先進但早已消亡的文明的神奇文物。在一片閃閃發光的水晶森林中,他們開始探索這個古老的奇蹟。當僱傭兵追上來時,山姆、傑克和其他隨從發現自己被嗜血的加洛抓住了。


Jake WhitcombJ. Acheson
KabirGulshan Grover
Hyde-WhiteMichael O'Hagan
RussellMel Johnson Jr.


Art CarnageUdaykumar Nandanavanam  Joe BostonIra SchwartzFowzia FathimaChristopher HolmesRobert JenkinsonGary ConstableLena Reddy


