《Images of Ageing》是1995年 Routledge出版的圖書,作者是Featherstone、Derek、Featherstone、Mike、Wernick、Andrew。
- 外文名:Images of Ageing
- 頁數: 312
- 出版社: Routledge
- 出版年: 1995-9
副標題: Cultural Representations of Later Life
作者: Featherstone, Derek; Featherstone, Mike; Wernick, Andrew
定價: $ 64.35
We all have a finite life-span. We are born, we get old and we die. Given the universality of the ageing process, it is remarkable that there is almost a complete absence of study of culture and self-image of the middle aged and old. This work examineds this topic. The contributors discuss images of ageing which have come to circulate in the advanced industrial societies today. (原文)
They address themes such as: body and self-image in everyday interaction; experience and identity in old age; advertising and consumer culture images of the elderly; images of ageing used by Government agencies in Health Education campaigns; the diversity of historical representations of the elderly; gender images of ageing; images of senility and second childhood; and images of health, illness and death.(原文)