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  • 外文名:Idle
  • 英式讀音:[ˈaɪdl]
  • 美式讀音:[ˈaɪdl]
  • 詞性:形容詞,動詞




idle time [計] [通信] 空閒時間 ; 停工時間 ; 空轉時間
Idle formality 例行公事
idle stage 空站


  • 1Now the machine is lying idle.現在這台機器正處於閒置狀態。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2In idle moments, he carved wooden figures.他空閒時就刻木雕。《牛津詞典》
  • 3It was more of an idle threat than anything.那不過是虛張聲勢的威脅。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Over ten per cent of the workforce is now idle.現在有超過百分之十的勞動力閒置。《牛津詞典》
  • 5The earth-moving trucks and cement mixers lay idle.運土卡車和水泥攪拌車都閒置著。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6These machines have lain idle since the factory closed.工廠關閉以來,這些機器就一直閒置著。《牛津詞典》
  • 7It is idle to pretend that their marriage is a success.佯稱他們的婚姻有多美滿是無意義的。《牛津詞典》
  • 8Brian kept up the idle chatter for another five minutes.布賴恩又無聊地閒扯了5分鐘。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 94,000 workers have been idle for 12 of the first 27 weeks of this year.4千名工人在今年最初的27個星期中有12個星期無事可乾。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10She blamed the crimes on the local jobless teenagers. 'The devil makes work for idle hands,' she would say.她認為那些違法行為是當地的無業青少年所為,總是說:“人一閒,惹麻煩”。《牛津詞典》
  • 11If my back go idle, I starve.如果我的背閒著,那我就要挨餓了。
  • 12I hate it when students are idle.我討厭學生們無所事事。
  • 13We are not sitting idle.我們沒有閒坐著。
  • 14Out with you, you idle, good-for-nothing creatures!滾出去,你們這些遊手好閒、一無是處的東西!
  • 15What a thankless child you are, just idle and good-for-nothing!你真是個不知好歹的孩子,整天遊手好閒,一無是處!
  • 16De Lange reports that his colleagues have not been idle on the island.德蘭格報告說,他的同事們並沒有在島上無所事事。
  • 17Another thing that I often do is to use this idle time as thinking time.我經常做的另一件事情是將這空閒的時間作為思考的時間。
  • 18His rod and his ferule were seldom idle now--at least among the smaller pupils.他的棍棒和戒尺現在很少閒置了——至少在年齡較小的學生中是這樣。
  • 19Doing so reduces the possibility of idle sessions being hijacked by another user.這樣做可以降低空閒會話被另一個用戶竊取的可能性。
  • 20For the most reliable results, the system should be idle when you run this command.為了獲得最可靠的結果,在你運行這個命令時,系統應該是空閒的。
  • 21With so many idle cycles on my desktop processor, why would I need another processor?我的台式處理器上有如此多的空閒周期,為什麼我會需要另一個處理器呢?
  • 22Seeing Pinocchio's bundle lying idle near-by, they somehow managed to get hold of it.他們看見皮諾喬的書包就在附近躺著,便設法把它搶了過來。
  • 23Even if one were to search with a lantern, no one idle man or one tramp could have been found.哪怕你提著燈籠去找,也找不到一個懶漢或流浪漢。
  • 24Gretel was not idle; she ran screaming to her master, and cried, "You have invited a fine guest!"格雷特沒有閒著;她尖叫著跑向她的主人,大聲喊道:“你邀請了一位好客人!”
  • 25In this strategy, people accept that their team members will have idle time during each iteration.在此策略中,人們接受他們的團隊成員將在每次疊代中有空閒時間。
  • 26He somehow could only feel how jolly it was to be the only idle dog among all these busy citizens.不知為何,他只覺得在這么多忙忙碌碌的市民中做一隻懶狗是多么快樂。
  • 27The little tailor, not idle, gathered two pocketsful of stones, and with these climbed up the tree.小裁縫連忙拾了兩口袋石頭,帶著它們爬上了樹。
  • 28And it is not just individuals: the web makes it easier for companies to rent out spare offices and idle machines, too.這不僅僅是個人層面:網路使公司出租多餘辦公室和閒置機器變得更便利了。
  • 29Milton is not making just an idle suggestion that he will write a poem that future generations will find themselves incapable of forgetting.彌爾頓並不是在做一個無聊的暗示,他要寫一首詩,讓未來的幾代人將無法忘記。
  • 30The notion of a sharp division between the working young and the idle old misses a new trend, the growing gap between the skilled and the unskilled.有工作的年輕人和無所事事的老年人之間存在尖銳分歧這一觀點忽視了一個新趨勢,即有技能的人和無技能的人之間差距的日益擴大。


