Ibanez TS-9 TS-9是經典過載效果器TS-808的改進型。 90年代以後的經典Overdrive效果器中最有名的大概就是TS-9了。與許多Overdrive或是Distortion踏板比起來,TS-9算是相當溫和的效果器,但它最特別之處在於吉他手的細微感觸都可以直接表現出來,不象一般的Hi-Gain踏板,TS-9效果器將讓您得到最溫暖的音色。產地:日本像Stevie Ray Vaughan,Paul Girbert等藝術家,都是TS過載系列的使用者。

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overview: The warmth of tube amps has been the goal for most of the over-drive pedals that exist. However, the Tube Screamer has been the choice 2nd to none by people searching for the best, because it lets the guitar sing so well in its original voice. The tone can be heard in playing by countless musicians over the years and still keeps fascinating new generations.