人物經歷,獲獎信息:,主要作品,Television 參演的影視作品,Stage 出演的無數舞台劇,Radio 廣播劇/電台節目,Further Credits 其他相關影視作品,
伊恩·哈拉德,英文名Ian Hallard,男,1974年出生於英國。愛好音樂、舞蹈以及田徑運動。
1999年開始演藝事業。(1999, Stage, Zeke, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The Steam Industry, Phil Willmott)
參與過多部電視拍攝。他與演員馬克·加蒂斯有英國民事伴侶關係,兩人均在BBC電視劇《神探夏洛克》第二季中有演出(Ian Hallard在劇中第二季第三集飾演莫里亞蒂教授的辯護律師);後Ian也在Mark Gatiss執筆的《神秘博士》第八季第三集以及神秘博士50周年特輯《時空大冒險》中出鏡。
Ian was nominated for a Whatsonstage Award 2017 - Best Actor in a Play for 'The Boys in The Band'.

伊恩在《The Boys in The Band》中飾演的Michael一角獲得2017What‘s on stage Award最佳戲劇演員提名。

Television 參演的影視作品
2017, 《王冠》(The Crown),飾:Analyst
IanHallard與Peter Capaldi

2015, 《Doctors》, 飾:David Moss
2014, 《神秘博士》DoctorWho.S08E03-Robot of Sherwood(該集編劇:Mark Gatiss),飾:Alan-a-Dale
2013, 《Doctors》, 飾:Tim Cruikshank
2013,《時空大冒險》An Adventure In Space And Time(由Mark Gatiss執筆的神秘博士50周年紀實劇)飾:Richard Martin,
2011, 《神探夏洛克—萊辛巴赫墜落》(第二季第三集)(Sherlock - TheReichenbach Fall), 飾演:Mr Crayhill(律師)
2011, 《Doctors》, 飾演:David Moss
2010, 《飛天大盜》(Hustle),飾演:Vicar(牧師)

2009, 《萬聖節前夜的謀殺案》(POIROT:Hallowe'en Party),飾演:Edmund Drake
2009, 《登月先鋒》(The First Men In The Moon),配音:Phi-Oo(外星人)
2008, 《怪屋》(Crooked House)飾演:Felix
2008, 《CrisisControl》飾演:Michael De Mornay
2008, 《Table For Two》飾演:Mr. Barnes

2007, 《世界上最糟糕的旅行》(The Worst Journey In The World), 飾演:Clive Wentworth
2006, 《馬普爾小姐:斯塔福特疑案》(Miss Marple: TheSittaford Mystery),飾演:Yates
2006, 《心在哪裡》(Where The Heart Is),飾演:Al (Semi-regular)
2005, 《Ideal》,飾演:Owen
2005, 《郊外槍戰》(SuburbanShootout),飾演:Port OfficialPaul Johnson
2004, 《全球的陰謀?》(Global Conspiracy?),飾演:Gary Talbot

Stage 出演的無數舞台劇
年份 | 扮演角色 | 劇目名稱 | 演出地點等 | 導演 |
2018 | N多位 | Tumulus | Vaults Festival(蒼穹藝術節) | Matt Steinberg |
2017 | The Nurse | Outings | Lyric Theatre | David Grindley |
2016 | Michael | The Boys In The Band | Park Theatre/Vaudeville West End | Adam Penford |
2016 | Reverend Tooker | Cat On A Hot Tin Roof | Theatre Clwyd | Robert Hastie |
2015 | Alan Turing | Lovesong of The Electric Bear | Hope Theatre/Arts Theatre | Matthew Parker |
2015 | Colin Henderson | The Vote | Donmar Warehouse | Josie Rourke |
2015 | Astolfo | Alcina | Festival d’Aix-en-Provence | Katie Mitchell |
2014 | Jimmy the Bins/St.John Flowers | Great Britain | National Theatre/Theatre Royal Haymarket | Nicholas Hytner |
2014 | Cornwall | King Lear | Cockpit Theatre | Lewis Reynolds |
2013 | Doctor | Blavatsky's Tower | Baron's Court Theatre | Will Maynard |
2012 | Sordo | Scenes From An Execution | National Theatre | Tom Cairns |
2012 | Lysander, Flute, Mustardseed | A Midsummer Night's Dream | The Little English Theatre | Stephan Bessant |
2012 | Lydie-Anne | Lilies | Wild Oats Productions and Greenwich Theatre | Joseph C Walsh |
2011 | Lysander | A Midsummer Night's Dream | J2/Southwark Playhouse | Jayne Dickinson |
2010 | Michel Fokine | Ballets Russes | A Stage Kindly | Vik Sivalingam |
2007 | William Taylor | Donkeys' Years | Sonia Friedman/UK Tour | Michael Simkins |
2007 | Jack Worthing | The Importance of Being Earnest | Jermyn Street Theatre/Antic Disposition | Ben Horslen & John Risebero |
2005 | Bob Cratchit | A Christmas Carol | Antic Disposition | John Risebero & Ben Horslen |
2005 | Leon | Footsteps to the Moon | White Bear Theatre | Paul Prescott |
2004 | Eagle/ARP Warden/Old Fox | The Lion. The Witch and The Wardrobe | West Yorkshire Playhouse | Ian Brown |
2002 | Judah | Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat | Bill Kenwright Ltd | Bill Kenwright |
2001 | Chorus | Carmen | Opera Holland Park | Jamie Hays |
2001 | Kay | The Snow Queen | Image Theatre Company | Brian Thresh |
2001 | Toad | Toad Of Toad Hall | Eye Theatre | Brian Thresh |
2000 | Trinculo | The Tempest | Wimbledon Studio Theatre | Melissa Holston |
2000 | Juryman | Trial By Jury | Covent Garden Festival | Stuart Maunder |
1999 | Zeke | Seven Brides For Seven Brothers | The Steam Industry | Phil Willmott |

Radio 廣播劇/電台節目
年份 | 角色名 | 作品名稱 | 出品單位/播出頻道 | 作品編劇 | ![]() |
2017 | The Wyvern | The Wyvern Of Wiltshire | BBC Wiltshire | Mark Powell | |
2015 | Renfield | Dracula | Big Finish Productions | Scott Handcock | |
2013 | Alan Campbell | The Picture Of Dorian Gray | Big Finish Productions | Scott Handcock | |
2012 | Davent | Doctor Who: Destroy The Infinite | Big Finish Productions | Nicholas Briggs | |
2008 | Bill Thurlow | Murder Every Monday | BBC Radio 4 | Kate McAll | |
2008 | Justin | Sapphire And Steel | Big Finish Productions | Nigel Fairs | |
2006 | James | The Tomorrow People | Big Finish Productions | Jason Haigh-Ellery | |
2004 | Zeuro/Moses | A Storm Of Angels | Big Finish Productions | John Ainsworth | |
2003 | Marcus | Nebulous | Baby Cow Productions/ BBC Radio4 | Nicholas Briggs | |
2001 | Mouse/Jimmy Winkler | Doctor Who: Invaders From Mars | Big Finish Productions/ BBC Radio7 | Mark Gatiss |
Further Credits 其他相關影視作品
年份 | 類型 | 角色名/地位 | 作品名稱 | 出演地點/製片公司 | 作品所屬導演/製片人 |
2017 | Pantomime | Widow Twankey | Aladdin | Maidenhead Theatre | Ashley Oliver |
2017 | Rehearsed Reading | Perkins | The Last King Of Scotland | RADA Festival | Robert Hastie |
2016 | Pantomime | Widow Twankey | Aladdin | Imagine Theatre/Queen's Theatre | Barnstaple, Simon Jessop |
2015 | Pantomime | Ugly Sister | Cinderella | Imagine Theatre/Queen's Theatre | Barnstaple, Simon Jessop |
2015 | Short Film | Laurence | The Dark Room | Cinema Hades | Thomas Hescott |
2013 | 電視劇 | Writer (編劇) | Agatha Christie's Poirot-The Big Four | (註:夫夫兩共同寫的劇本) | |
2013 | Pantomime | Fleshcreep | Jack And The Beanstalk | ATS | Andrew Beckett |
2011 | Pantomime | Muddles | Snow White And The Seven Dwarves | Prince's Theatre | Clacton, Nic Gilder |
2009 | Documentary | Actor | Horizon | BBC Television | Damon Thomas |
2008 | Workshop | Narrator | Sleeping Beauty | Sadler's Wells,John Stephenson | |
2007 | Cabaret | Singer | Scales of The Unexpected | Matthew Parker |