HP - 41系列產品引發轟動
04/12/2004 AMD settles suit with Intergraph
04/12/2004 Intel Announces New Mobile Processor Family
04/12/2004 WEB-TAPPING
04/12/2004 E-mail fingerprinting attacks bounce storms
04/12/2004 Less Is More: Stylin' PCs
04/12/2004 Iomega Debuts Versatile Backup Drive
04/12/2007 Vista: Whatever happened to fast boot?
04/12/2007 Review: Twitter takes e-chat to extremes
04/12/2007 Apple enthusiast has quite a collection
04/12/2007 Palm Will Create Its Own Linux Platform
04/12/2007 'Office' fans flock to edit Wikipedia

04/12/2007 Sony says to sell ultra-thin OLED TVs this year
04/12/2007 Dell stops selling Axim handheld
04/12/2007 Game developers adapt to multicore world
04/12/2007 grisoft offers free rootkit detector
04/12/2007 Young Scientists Design Open-Source Program at NASA
04/12/2007 Intel phases out three Xeon processors
04/12/2007 Opera releases 9.2 browser, adds "Speed Dial",Opera releases 9.2 browser, adds "Speed Dial"
04/12/2007 Women don't click with Internet videos
04/12/2007 Microsoft fixes 'critical' flaws
04/12/2007 China seeks to 'limit game hours'
04/12/2007 EU backs mobile roaming fee cut
04/12/2007 Speed boost plan for file-sharing
04/12/2007 Time is Running Out for Windows XP
04/12/2007 Fujitsu Protects Hard Drives From Fall
04/12/2007 iRobot to Sell Pool Cleaner
04/12/2007 AMD slashes chip prices on FX, X2 models
04/12/2007 Comcast Reaches Agreement to Acquire Fandango
04/12/2007 E-mail monitoring may violate European laws
04/12/2007 Technorati makes first major acquisition
04/12/2007 Gates to join Simonyi in space?
04/12/2007 MySpace blocks some Photobucket content
04/12/2007 IBM will stack chips for more efficient processing
04/12/2007 Chinese spammers go quiet
04/12/2007 Microsoft’s new patch causing issues for XP users
04/12/2007 Microsoft's meltdown
04/12/2006 Red Hat Buys JBoss for $350 Million
04/12/2006 Microsoft Launches Challenge to Scholar
04/12/2006 Zillow offers bird's eye view of new neighborhoods
04/12/2006 Russian Students Win Programming Contest
04/12/2006 eBay And Amazon To AT&T: We'll Build Our Own Network
04/12/2006 Tax dodgers may lose friend in PayPal

HP - 41系列產品媒體相關報導
04/12/2006 Newsmaker: Are laser weapons ready for duty?
04/12/2006 eBay buys stake in social networking firm
04/12/2006 unveils Web-based calendar app
04/12/2006 patent points to voice search
04/12/2006 Where computers go to die -- and kill
04/12/2006 Yahoo Offers 'Instant Search'
04/12/2006 wins rights to Aussie algorithm
04/12/2006 Web site exposes Air Force One defenses
04/12/2006 MySpace tackles teen safety fears
04/12/2006 launches Chinese service
04/12/2006 China to tackle software piracy
04/12/2006 Search users 'stop at page three'
04/12/2006 Microsoft Cuts Price of MSN Dialup Internet Access
在HP - 41系列的可程式,可擴展,手持逆波蘭計算器作出惠普1979至90年。 原始模型,惠普- 41C ,是同類產品的首次嘗試提供數字顯示功能。 後來在HP - 41CV和HP - 41CX ,提供更多的記憶體和功能...
PowerPC 體系結構規範(PowerPC Architecture Specification)發布於 1993 年,它是一個 64 位規範 ( 也包含 32 位子集 )。幾乎所有常規可用的 PowerPC(除了新型號 IBM RS/6000 和所有 IBM pSeries 高端伺服器)都是 32 位的。
IBM PowerPC 403GCX

IBM PowerPC 403GCX
PowerPC 處理器有廣泛的實現範圍,包括從諸如 Power4 那樣的高端伺服器 CPU 到嵌入式 CPU 市場(任天堂 Gamecube 使用了 PowerPC)。PowerPC 處理器有非常強的嵌入式表現,因為它具有優異的性能、較低的能量損耗以及較低的散熱量。除了象串列和
乙太網控制器那樣的集成 I/O,該嵌入式處理器與“台式機”CPU 存在非常顯著的區別。例如,4xx 系列 PowerPC 處理器缺乏浮點運算,並且還使用一個受軟體控制的 TLB 進行記憶體管理,而不是象台式機晶片中那樣採用反轉頁表。
PowerPC 處理器有 32 個(32 位或 64 位)GPR(
通用暫存器)以及諸如 PC(程式計數器,也稱為 IAR/指令地址暫存器或 NIP/下一指令指針)、LR(
連結暫存器)、CR(條件暫存器)等各種其它暫存器。有些 PowerPC CPU 還有 32 個 64 位 FPR(
PowerPC 體系結構是 RISC(精簡指令集計算)體系結構的一個示例。因此:
所有 PowerPC(包括 64 位實現)都使用定長的 32 位指令。
PowerPC 處理模型要從記憶體檢索數據、在暫存器中對它進行操作,然後將它存儲回記憶體。幾乎沒有指令(除了裝入和存儲)是直接操作記憶體的。
Power為Performance Optimized With Enhanced RISC的縮寫
HP-41IBM PowerPC601

HP-41IBM PowerPC601

IBM PowerPC601