IMS 國際魔術師協會

國際魔術師協會(International Magicians Society - IMS)成立於一九六八年七月,由一班專業魔術師組織而成,宗旨是將魔術這門藝術推廣及傳遍全球,與世界各地魔術愛好者分享魔術的樂趣。


  • 中文名:IMS 國際魔術師協會
  • 外文名:International Magicians Society
  • 成立時間:一九六八年七月
  • 成員:一班專業魔術師


國際魔術師協會(International Magicians Society - IMS)會員人數已超過三萬七千人,是現今目前全球最大規模的國際性魔術師組織,並已列入吉利斯世界紀錄大全。多國世界級聞名的魔術師也是協會的永久會員,其中更包括世界聞名大偉高柏菲(David Copperfield)、Harry Blackstone、Doug Henning、Siegfried & Roy等。分會組織分布世界各地,包括:美國、加拿大、英國、澳洲、德國、義大利、瑞典、巴西、荷蘭、芬蘭、印度、日本、韓國、新加坡、馬來西亞等三十多個國家地區。
IMS 國際魔術師協會


地址:陝西省西安市蓮湖區北大街118號宏府大廈14樓11421室( 郵編:710003)


IMS國際魔術師協會 2011年活動第一站孟加拉國
2011年1月4號,我們在孟加拉國為Ali Raj開展了一個總投資一百萬美元的公眾活動當地所有的電視台,廣播台,當然還有當地所有的報社都對這項活動進行了重要的報導,面面俱到。這並非是個巧合,也不是運氣。而是一個精心準備的梅琳獎頒發儀式。因為在此的幾個月前,我們和每個新聞媒體都有聯繫,這才使得這個活動完美的呈現出來。
IMS 2011年活動第一站 孟加拉國IMS 2011年活動第一站 孟加拉國


國際魔術師協會(the International Magicians Society)成立於1968年,由現任主席東尼哈辛尼一手創辦,總部位於美國紐約州的韋斯特伯裹,目前擁有會員37000人,是世界吉尼斯記錄中最大的魔術組織.
每隔三年,國際魔術師協會都會舉辦盛大的會議,為世界最高水準的魔術大師頒發這個舉世矚目的“Merlin Award(梅林獎)”。
“梅林獎”也可稱為世界魔術傑出貢獻獎,曾經獲得國此獎有著名的超級魔術大師“大衛·科波菲爾(David Copperfield)”“克里斯·安吉爾(criss angel)”“白老虎兄弟(Siegfried&Roy)”“道格寧(Doug Henning)”“哈里黑石(Doug Henning)”“翁達智(Raymond Iong)”“劉謙(Lu Chen)”等。
梅林獎的雕像由紐約大學藝術系100多名學生公開設計,並最終選擇了1968年由紐約大學藝術系學生Carol Michaud創作並雕刻的作品。


Hi, I'm Tony Hassini.你好,我是托尼Hassini。 I founded the International Magicians Society in July of 1968 with only a handful of magicians.我公司創建於1968年七月,只有極少數的魔術師國際魔術師協會。 Since then, the IMS grew to be the World's Largest Magic Organization.從那時起,在IMS成長為世界最大的魔術組織。
IMS 國際魔術師協會
Why and how I started the IMS is one of the most interesting stories you will ever read.為什麼以及如何我開始了IMS是最有趣的故事,你會讀過之一。 And if you take your time and read this story, you will get something from it.如果你把你的時間和看這樣的故事,你會得到一些東西。 I promise.我保證。
I was born in 1941 in the tiny little island of Cyprus, which is in the Mediteranean.我出生於1941年在賽普勒斯島的微小的,這在地中海。 As if coming into this world in the middle of the second world war was not bad enough, I was also a disabled child.仿佛來到這個世界在第二次世界大戰中是不夠壞,我也是一個殘疾兒童。 I have a major hearing impairment, which I have to wear hearing aids for the rest of my life.我有一個重大的聽力損傷,我要穿上我的餘生助聽器。 I also have a severe case of dislexia.我也有一個嚴重的讀寫困難症患者的情況。 For those of you who do not know about dislexia, it is a syndrome more common among boys than girls and those who have it see things backwards or reverse, as if seeing things in a mirror.對於那些你們誰不知道讀寫困難症患者,這是一個綜合症男生比女生更在和那些誰也看東西倒退或逆轉常見,因為如果在鏡子看到的東西。 Quite often, under pressure, I begin writing things in reverse.很多時候,壓力之下,我開始寫相反的東西。 And that's just the tip of the iceburg.而這僅僅是iceburg一角。
In the 1940's, very little was known about dislexia. 1940年,很少被稱為關於讀寫困難症患者。 And children like me were not classified as learning disabled.孩子們和我一樣不屬於學習障礙。 So I was told that I was stupid and that I will never learn anything, because the learning process is much harder for someone with dislexia.所以我說我很傻,我永遠不會學到什麼東西,因為學習過程是與讀寫困難症患者多的人更難。 As a result, I was so shy that I could not look anyone in the eye.因此,我很害羞,我不能看著別人的眼睛。
At age 16, I left the island of Cyprus and went to London, England, hoping for a better life. 16歲的時候,我離開了賽普勒斯島,前往英國倫敦,共創美好生活的希望。 I didn't speak a word of English.我沒有說話的英語單詞。 And the best job I could get at the time was as a dish-washer in a Cypriate restaurant.而我能得到最好的工作在當時是作為一道菜在一個Cypriate餐廳洗衣機。 It was here in London that I stumbled across a local magic shop, where I discovered magic.正是在這裡,我在倫敦通過本地魔術店,在那裡我偶然發現了魔法。 I purchased my first two magic tricks from that shop.我購買的那家商店我的頭兩個魔術。 I realized then and there that when things seem impossible, there is always a simple solution, like with the tricks I had just purchased.當時我意識到,當有事情似乎是不可能的,總是有一個簡單的解決方案,喜歡的招數我剛剛購買的。
Magic changed my whole life.魔術改變了我一生。 Magic gave me the self-confidence and the opportunity to become somebody.魔術給了我自信,並有機會成為別人。
When I showed my first tricks to people, they stopped and paid attention to me.當我發現我的第一個過關的人,他們停下來注意我。 They even asked me "How did you do that?"他們甚至問我:“你是怎么做到的?” In the blink of an eye, I became somebody.在眨眼間,我成了別人。
What are the chances of a poor boy with handicaps and disabilities to travel all over the world and be treated like a king in countries like Egypt, Israel, Greece, Turkey, Italy, Poland, Germany, France, Sweden, Russia, China, Japan, Korea, North America, South America, Central America, Australia, and so on.什麼是一個可憐的孩子,殘疾和殘疾人的機會走遍世界各地,像在埃及,以色列,希臘,土耳其,義大利,波蘭,德國,法國,瑞典,俄羅斯,中國,日本等國國王處理,韓國,北美,南美,中美洲,澳大利亞,等等。
I want to back up a little to when I was a young boy in Cyprus.我想回到了一個不大,當我是一個小男孩在賽普勒斯。 There were two things that happened which gave me these wishful desires.有兩件事情給了我這一廂情願的願望。 First, a visiting magician came to the island and I went to see his wonderful magic show.首先,一位來訪的魔術師來到島上,我去看他的精彩的魔術表演。 During the entire show, I kept thinking "I'd like to grow up and become a magician."在整個節目,我一直在想:“我想長大,成為一個魔術師。”
Three months later, a large movie company from Hollywood came to Cyprus to film the motion picture entitled "Exodus."三個月後,由好萊塢大電影公司來到賽普勒斯拍攝的電影名為“出埃及記”。 This is about a true story of Jews escaping the Nazis in Europe and arriving onto the island of Cyprus with the hope of travelling to Palestine, where someday they can form the state of Israel.這是一場對逃避納粹在歐洲的賽普勒斯,走上了與巴勒斯坦的旅行,在那裡有一天,他們能形成島嶼國家的希望抵達以色列猶太人的真實故事。
I stood at the beach head watching the filmmakers, specifically the cameraman/director sitting behind the camera and calling the shots.我站在海邊看電影製片人頭上,特別是攝影師/導演坐在後面的攝像頭和發號施令。 I heard a little voice in me saying, "I want to grow up and become a cameraman/director."我聽到我一點聲音說,“我想長大,成為一名攝影師/導演。”
I had accomplished both of these childhood goals.我已經完成了這些兒童兩個目標。 I became a magician, as well as a cameraman/director.我成了一個魔術師,以及一名攝影師/導演。
The moral of the story is that if I can accomplish all that in spite of my handicaps, then anyone can reach their goals, as long as you believe in yourself and never give up.這個故事的寓意是,如果我能做到的一切,儘管在我的障礙,那么任何人都可以達到自己的目標,只要你相信自己,永不放棄。
So I founded the International Magicians Society with the hope that I can give the same opportunities that I was given to someone who might take magic and run with it and make all of his/her goals come true.所以我創辦,希望我可以給你們,我是給誰的人可能採取的魔法和運行,並讓所有對他/她的目標變成現實的機會相同,國際魔術師協會。
Since I have learned so much within the last 60 years, I'd like to share my philosophies, as well as short stories, that might benefit you.既然我已經學會在過去60年來這么多,我想分享我的理念,以及短的故事,這可能對你有益。 If you have the time and you want to take this magical journey, just click here .如果你有時間,你想利用這片神奇的旅程,只需點擊這裡 。


