國際有機農業聯盟(International Federal of Organic Agriculture Movement,簡稱IFOAM)是一個全球最重要的有機農業組織,是由分布於一百多個國家中的五百多個與有機農業有關之組織所組成,這些組織包括農民、消費者、加工業者、貿易商等組成之協會,以及研究、推廣、訓練等機構。另有許多個人會員,但沒有投票權。目前台灣並沒有IFOAM之協會會員。
IFOAM is the worldwide umbrella organization for the organic movement, uniting more than 750 member organizations in 108 countries.
Organic trade is a rapidly growing reality all over the world. The growth rates of the organic sector demonstrate that organic products are moving from the “niche” and entering mainstream markets. The total land under certified organic production worldwide has reached over 26 Million hectares. IFOAM is at the center of this development.
International Relationships
IFOAM actively participates in international agricultural and environmental negotiations with the United Nations and multilateral institutions to further the interests of the organic agricultural movement worldwide. IFOAM is uniquely recognised for taking on this important role. The introduction of the Principles of Organic Agriculture and the recognition of IFOAM by international institutions is of enormous importance for the further development of organic agriculture
The Organic Guarantee System
IFOAM provides a market guarantee for integrity of organic claims. The Organic Guarantee System (OGS) unites the organic world through a common system of standards, verification and market identity. It fosters equivalence among participating IFOAM accredited certifiers, paving the way for more orderly and reliable trade whilst acknowledging consumer trust in the organic ‘brand’.
Facilitating Networks and Market Development
Through IFOAM programs, conferences and events, IFOAM is laying the groundwork for the further development of organic agriculture and its markets worldwide. Through IFOAM World Congresses, International Trade conferences, commodity specific (coffee, seeds, wild products, etc.) and other events , IFOAM brings together the key players from all over the planet to facilitate trade in organic products.
促進會員間知識與專門技術之交換,以及向大眾推廣有機農業。 向各國議會、行政機構及政策制訂者表達國際有機農業之發展與改革 (IFOAM亦是聯合國有關有機農業之諮詢對象) ,制訂並定期修訂國際通用之IFOAM 有機農業與加工生產基準 (IFOAM Basic Standard of Organic Agriculture and Food Processing,此基準已譯成17種文字) ,使有機農產品之國際性的質量保證成為可能。(IFOAM 的認證計畫- IFOAM Accreditation Programme 保證了世界性產品認證的一致性) ,該協會發行一有機農業之專業季刊稱為Ecology and Farming,並經常出版有關之書籍。每兩年輪流在世界各洲舉辦全球有機農業學術研討會及會員大會,可以說是最重要的有機農業會議。會中除了發表各種學術研究論文之外,最重要的是討論新的生產技術及修訂認證標準。而在德國紐倫堡 (Nuremberg) 舉行之全世界最大的有機產品交易展售會BIOFACH 目前亦由IFOAM主辦。