就這樣,伊恩抱著日記本睡著了,醒來時,突然聽到身後有人對他說話,他嚇了一跳,居然是莎曼塔!難道是做夢嗎?但夢境又那么的真實,伊恩滿懷喜悅地、半信半疑地與莎曼塔重複著夢境的事,並努力避免這一切的發生,結果,雖然伊恩很努力,但一件件夢裡的事還是逐漸出現在現實生活中,雖然有些順序不同。唯一完全不同的是伊恩的會議很成功,投資拉到了,實際上莎曼塔還是出現在了會議室的門口,只是剛好看到伊恩手裡拿了本一模一樣的資料夾,於是就悄悄地走了而已。伊恩還是很擔心,於是他想竭盡全力去改變,他把莎曼塔帶走,坐著列車到了自己的家鄉,帶她去了自己童年的地方,訴說了自己的往事和感受,在山頂的破舊小屋子,伊恩含著淚水問莎曼塔如果只剩一天生命,她希望怎么過,莎曼塔深情地說如果只有一天,只想跟伊恩在一起,兩人深情相擁。時間過得很快,還是到了要回去參加畢業音樂會的時刻,莎曼塔不願意放棄準備了那么多年的畢業表演機會。回到倫敦,伊恩為了實現莎曼塔的夢想,悄悄地說服了音樂會的主辦方,將莎曼塔作的歌曲《Love will show you everything》印發了很多份發到演奏者手上,在音樂會上,出其不意地實現了莎曼塔演唱自己歌曲的夢想,轟動了全場。音樂會後,兩人到莎曼塔挑的餐館吃飯,飯後,兩人出門,發現下雨了,暫時沒有的士,伊恩趁此機會一表衷腸,說出了感人肺腑的內心感受,然後的士到了,莎曼塔坐進去了,伊恩發現還是那個神秘司機,難道命運真的無法逆轉嗎?伊恩不再猶豫地跟了進去,的士啟動,在紅燈前停住,伊恩看著時鐘,晚上11點,還是夢裡那個悲劇的時刻,他深情地吻著莎曼塔,的士啟動了,他腦里閃過兩人的美好時光,在最後時刻緊緊抱住莎曼塔,擋住了迎面而來的汽車。就這樣,結局改變了,車禍這次帶走了伊恩的生命,留下了悲傷的莎曼塔。
If only,世界沒有if only的事情。可能我們總是在失去之後才會懊悔。這部電影卻恰恰講述了這樣的事情。
I have to tell you this and you need to hear it. I loved you since I met you, but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead, making decisions soaked with fear... Today, because of you... what I learned from you; every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed... and I've learned that if you do that, then you're living your life fully... it doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha if not for today, if not for you I would never have known love at all... So thank you for being the person who taught me to love... and to be loved.
Love will show you everything 愛將表達一切
演唱:Jennifer Love Hewitt
Today, today I bet my life
You have no idea what I feel inside
Don't, be afraid to let it show
For you'll never know If you let it hide
I love you,you love me
Take this gift and don't ask why
Cause if you will let me
I will take what scares hold it deep inside
And if you ask me why and I'm with you and why I'll never
Love will show you everything
One day when youth is just a memory
I know you'll be standing right next to me
I love you ,you love me
Take this gift and don't ask me why
Cause if you will let me
I'll take what scares hold it deep inside
And if you ask me why I'm with you and why I'll never leave