IBM SPSS 23 統計軟體套用教程

IBM SPSS 23 統計軟體套用教程

《IBM SPSS 23 統計軟體套用教程》是2020年鄭州大學出版社出版的圖書。


  • 中文名:IBM SPSS 23 統計軟體套用教程
  • 作者:陳平雁,關穎
  • 出版社:鄭州大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2020年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787564573751


Performing Statistical Analysis with IBM SPSS 23 is written to become an aid in the beginning statistical analysis to students or clinical doctors whose mathematical background is limited to basic algebra. The book puts focus on data file formats, operation steps, results' interpretation, and tries to avoid a deep introduction to programming content and statistical method background. Therefore, the book is mainly aimed at medical students, or students from other healthcare related professions such as pharmacy or public health services who need to face with a lot of data from patients monitoring and laboratory tests.


Chapter 1 Overview and Basic Steps in Data Analysis
1.1 The operating environment of IBM SPSS 23
1.2 Windows and view
1.3 Data file creation, import and export
1.4 Attribute setting of data reading and writing
Chapter 2 Data Management
2.1 Data Edition
2.2 Data Validation
2.3 Identify Duplicate Cases
2.4 Identify Unusual Cases
2.5 Sort Cases
2.6 Sort Variables
2.7 Transpose
2.8 Merge Files
2.9 Data Restructure
2.10 Aggregate Data
2.11 Copy Dataset
2.12 Split Files
2.13 Select Cases
2.14 Weight Cases
Chapter 3 Transform
3.1 Computing Variable
3.2 Counting Values within Cases
3.3 Shifting Values
3.4 Recoding data
3.5 Automatic Recode
3.6 Visual Binning
3.7 Optimal Binning
3.8 Ranking Cases
3.9 Replacing missing values
3.10 Random number generators
Chapter 4 Analysis of Descriptive Statistics
4.1 Frequencies
4.2 Descriptives
4.3 Explore
4.4 Crosstabs
4.5 Ratio
4.6 P-P Plots/Q-Q Plots
Chapter 5 Compare Means
Chapter 6 General Linear Model
Chapter 7 Correlation &Regression
Chapter 8 Classify
Chapter 9 Reliability Analysis
Chapter 10 Nonparametric Tests
Chapter 11 Survival Analysis
Chapter 12 Graphs
Chapter 13 Comprehensive Data Analysis


