I\x27m Not Mad, I Just Hate You!

I\x27m Not Mad, I Just Hate You!

《I'm Not Mad, I Just Hate You!》是2000年Penguin USA出版的圖書,作者是Cohen-Sandler Roni。


  • 中文名:I'm Not Mad, I Just Hate You!
  • 裝幀:Pap
  • 定價:119 元
  • 作者:Cohen-Sandler Roni
  • 出版社:Penguin USA
  • 出版日期:2000年3月
  • ISBN:9780140286007


If you are a mother and many of your conversations with your teenage daughter begin with a rolling of eyes, move into shrieked insults, and end with a door slam, I'm Not Mad, I Just Hate You! could save you both. As Roni Cohen-Sandler and Michelle Silver illustrate, even if you often seem to be living on two different planets, conflict does not have to define your relationship.
Cohen-Sandler, a clinical psychologist specializing in issues of women and adolescent girls, and Silver, senior editor of Girls' Life magazine, have done mothers a great service with this thoroughly researched book. Their main point is simple: arguments are bound to occur, but if approached correctly, confrontation can actually lead to deeper mutual understanding and a stronger mother-daughter bond. Consistently working through battles also demonstrates a sense of constancy that will offer good lessons for future relationships. Through case studies, exercises, and detailed scenarios, the authors describe the most effective ways to communicate about such loaded topics as dating, sexuality, drugs and alcohol, and peer pressure, paying particular attention to the "classic battle starters": the state of her bedroom, her clothing, and her makeup and jewelry choices. Other in-depth chapters focus on the right and wrong ways to respond to verbal attacks and the importance of choosing battles wisely. Some of their advice will not be easy to follow, especially when the fight is on, but if some effort is exerted, these tips should help mothers and daughters not only survive, but even enjoy, the teen years. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


