I love you(遺忘俱樂部演唱的歌曲)

I love you(遺忘俱樂部演唱的歌曲)

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《I love you》是遺忘俱樂部演唱的歌曲,由劉忻作詞作曲,收錄在專輯《FORGOTTEN CLUB》中。


  • 中文名:我愛你
  • 外文名:I love you
  • 歌曲時長:3分42秒 
  • 填詞劉忻
  • 譜曲劉忻
  • 編曲劉忻蘇宏亮 
  • 發行日期:2023年7月12日 
  • 歌曲語言:英語
  • 唱片公司:YH STUDIO 
  • 製作人劉忻
  • 混音:王路遙 
  • 錄音:蘇宏亮/王昆 
  • 藝術設計:劉忻 
  • 企劃:郭佳琪 
  • 封面/插畫:R隊員 
I love your face
So I covered mine
I love your eyes
But I have to be blind
I love your voice
So I smoke a lot of ****
I love your dreams
'Cause you ate mine
You let me come
But then you left
You break me out
And then tied me up
You hold my secrets
Let me take off my pants
You **** me up
But you don't know how I enjoy
I'm your biggest fan
It doesn't matter who I am
Love's in my blood I
Wanna eat you alive
I'll cut you carefully and
Put your pieces in my van
We'll be together
Forever you'll be mine
Forever you'll be mine
Forever you'll be mine
Forever you'll be mine
I'm your biggest fan
It doesn't matter who I am
Love's in my blood I
Wanna eat you alive
I'll cut you carefully and
Put your pieces in my van
We'll be together
Forever you'll be mine
Forever you'll be mine
Forever you'll be mine
Forever you'll be mine


