2012年8月10日,吉克雋逸參加了浙江衛視《中國好聲音》。在第五場中她以一段悠揚的家鄉山歌《不要怕》開頭( 原唱山鷹組合成員瓦其依合),隨後演唱了一首《I Feel Good》,和剛才的山歌完全是兩種風格,動感十足,幾位評審一下子從山歌的悠揚被拽進了英文歌曲的動感,立刻跟著歌聲扭動起來,同時獲得了庾澄慶、楊坤、劉歡、那英這四位導師的肯定,紛紛轉身,並站起身來為她吶喊。為爭取她成為自己的隊員,四位導師爭得面紅耳赤。
納尼亞琪 瑪莎尼亞奇 oh
Wo! I feel good, I knew that I wouldn't of
I feel~good, I knew that I wouldn't of
So good, so good, I got you oh!
When I hold you in my arms
I know that I can do no wrong
and when I hold you in my arms
My love won't do you no harm
and I feel nice, like sugar and spice
And I feel good, like sugar and spice
So good, so good, I got you
When I hold you in my arms
I know that I can't do no wrong
and when I hold you in my arms
My love won't do me no harm
and I feel nice, like sugar and spice
I feel good, like sugar and spice
So good, so good, I got you ~yeah aiaiaiaiai