I Decide

《I Decide》是美國愛情輕喜劇電影《公主日記2:皇室婚約》的配樂,由美國女藝人林賽·羅韓錄唱,被收錄在該影片的原聲帶專輯中。

Don't think that you can tell me what to think
I'm the one who knows what's good for me
And I'm stating my independence
Gonna take the road I'm gonna take
And I'm gonna make my own mistakes
It's my life
I decide
I decide
How I live
I decide
Who I love
The choice is mine
And no one gets to make my mind up
I decide
I decide
Where I go
What I need
Who I know
I'm the one who's running my life
I decide
I decide
Don't think you're ever gonna hold me down
Couldn't do it then
Can't do it now
I'm kicking down all the fences
I'm gonna do it all and do too much
And if I mess the whole thing up
It's my right
I decide
I decide
How I live
I decide
Who I love
The choice is mine
And no one gets to make my mind up
I decide
I decide
Where I go
Where I sleep
Who I know
I'm the one who's running my life
I decide
I decide
I'm taking my own chances
I'm finding my own answers
I'm only answering to me
And that's the way it's gonna be
I decide
Oh yeah yeah
I decide
I decide
I decide
How I live
I decide
Who I love
The choice is mine
And no one gets to make my mind up
I decide
I decide
Where I go
Where I sleep
Who I know
I'm the one who's running my life
I decide
I decide
I decide
How I live
I decide
Who I love
The choice is mine
And no one gets to make my mind up
I decide


