I Can\x27t Believe That You\x27re in Love with Me

《I Can't Believe That You're in Love with Me》是一首爵士歌曲。由Jimmy McHugh作曲,Clarence Gaskill作詞。


  • 外文名:I Can't Believe That You're in Love with Me
  • 歌曲語言:英語
《I Can't Believe That You're in Love with Me》有多種翻唱版本。美國著名爵士歌手Billie Holiday托尼·班奈特等都翻唱過該歌曲。
Your eyes so blue, your kisses too
I never knew what they could do
I can't believe you're in love with me
You're telling everyone I know
I'm on your mind each place you go
They can't believe that you're in love with me
I have always placed you far above me
I just can't image that you love me
And after all its said and done
It looks like I'm the lucky one
I can't believe you're in love with me


