How I Pray for My Friends

How I Pray for My Friends

《How I Pray for My Friends》是一本圖書,作者是Erik 。


  • 外文名:How I Pray for My Friends
  • 作者:Erik  
  • 出版時間:2006年6月
  • 頁數:32 頁
  • ISBN:9780825437113 
  • 定價:14.68 美元
Erik knows that he can pray with his eyes closed. But sometimes when he is hard at work doing math problems, it is okay to pray with his eyes open too. Like the time Shaela got the flu--Erik asked God to make her well again. In this delightful book by best-selling children's author and illustrator Jeannie St. John Taylor, Erik learns about compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, and the importance of asking Jesus into his heart.
埃里克知道他可以閉著眼睛祈禱。但有時當他努力做數學題時,睜開眼睛祈禱也是可以的。就像莎埃拉得了流感一樣,埃里克請求上帝讓她恢復健康。在暢銷兒童作家兼插畫家Jeannie St.John Taylor的這本令人愉快的書中,Erik了解了同情、寬恕、接受,以及向耶穌求教的重要性。

