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  • 外文名:HOLY


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1、神聖的 2、聖潔的,象聖徒一樣的 3、至善的 4、虔誠的 5、供神用的 6、可怕的,令人生畏的 7、與神有關的 8、神的,上帝的 9、獻身於宗教的,獻身於神的 10、<俚>非常壞的 11、崇敬的 12、宗教的 13、厲害的 14、非常的
n. (名詞)
1、神聖的東西,聖物 2、聖日 3、聖地,聖堂


1.holy day 宗教節日(天主教)瞻禮日
2.holy of holies 〈猶太教〉至聖所最神聖的事物
3.holy terror 可怕的人討厭的傢伙
4.holy see 【法】教廷,教皇的地位或權力
5.holy week 聖周(復活節前一周)
6.holy joe 傳教士,牧師
7.holy land 聖地(巴勒斯坦)
8.holy place 聖所,聖殿
9.holy spirit [宗]聖靈
10.holy trinity (基督教)聖三一(指聖父,聖子,聖靈三位一體),(基督教)三一節,復活主


1. The territories of the Holy RomanEmpire. 神聖羅馬帝國的屬地
2. The holy strain arose singly on thebreathing silence of the wilderness 只有那聖潔的旋律在荒野和孤寂中時起時落的寧靜中蕩漾
3. and truly and really, in divers of theancient hermits and holy fathers of the church 而基督教會中許多的古隱者和長老則確有如此者
4. The holy man healed them of theirsickness. 那位聖人治好了他們的病
5. Holy cow! The deadline is comingup. 我的天!截止日期快到了
6. The Quran on Human EmbryonicDevelopment: In the Holy Quran, God speaks about the stages of man’s embryonicdevelopment 古蘭經關於人類胚胎髮育的論述:在神聖的古蘭經中,真主談到人類在胚胎髮育的幾個階段
7. Under his leadership they recaptured theholy city mecca, where the Prophet had been scorned 在他的領導之下,他們重新占領了先知曾受輕視的聖城麥加
8. At some of the more important servicesof the church,the holy water is sprinkled on the worshippers. 在某些比較重要的教堂儀式中,聖水是灑在做禮拜人的身上的
9. Temple of the Holy Ghost 基督教徒的身體
10. One obstacle to the enlistment of ableprofessors was that they had to take holy orders 徵聘有才能的教授的障礙是他們必須成為牧師
11. The holy followers of Buddha 虔誠的佛教信徒
12. Holy Writ 基督教聖經
13. `We bless Thy Holy Name.' `我們頌讚您的聖名.'
14. Having or showing contempt for God orholy things;blasphemous 褻瀆上帝或神聖事物的;不敬神的
15. A hallowed or holy place. 聖地,聖殿神聖或聖潔的地方
16. You were awfully holy, weren'tyou? 你從前虔誠得很,對嗎?
17. Their behaviour profaned the holyplace. 他們的行為玷污了這處聖地
18. repentance skindeep. Pray at an altar.Hail Mary and Holy Mary 她跪在祭壇前禱告,念著《萬福瑪利亞》和《至聖瑪利亞》
19. All that is not holy;all that temptsmankind to wickedness 一切壞事;誘人作惡的一切事物
20. They were unspeakably holy, and workedmiracles, and everybody stood in awe of them 他們是說不出來的神聖,而且法力無邊,誰見了都得起敬起畏
21. There are ritual devotions observed onthe eve of a holy day. 在宗教節日前會舉行祈禱
22. His mother's prostrate body the fieryColumbanus in holy zeal bestrode 暴躁的高隆班憑著一股神聖的激情,曾邁過他母親那橫臥的身軀
23.And what would be the taste of all these holy things when bound up with thishideous thing? 那一切聖潔的東西和那種醜惡的東西攙雜在一起,還有什麼意義!
24. They were the Very Rev. Oscar Huber,the pastor of Holy Trinity Church in Dallas, and the Rev. James Thompson 一位是達拉斯聖三一教會的牧師奧斯卡·休伯教長。另一位是詹姆斯·湯普森神父
25. The third person of the trinity, theHoly Spirit, was the subject of later debates
26. Buddhist theories always say that inthe nirvana, "holy music" never ceases for a moment.
27. the Holy See;Vatican;the See of theRome;Papacy 羅馬教廷
28. Holy bread [loaf] 儀式[彌撒]用的麵包
29. The notion of Holy War is showing thatit has not yet lost all its power to intoxicate and to inflame. 聖戰的觀念顯示出它尚未失去所有它引人陶醉以及使人激起狂熱的力量
30. Repulse after repulse failed to deterAlec,who persisted day by day,at first with a marriage license and holywords. 苔絲一次又一次的嚴辭拒絕未能制止亞歷克,他整天纏住苔絲,先是用結婚證書和神聖的誓言來說服她


