
《hold me close》是由陳忠義作詞,包小松譜曲,可米小子演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《青春紀念冊》、《Goodbye新歌+精選》中。...
But still it hurts me so但那依然使我傷心I don't want this night to end我不希望夜晚結束Don't say goodbye別說再見Just hold me close, my darling抱緊...
Hold Me Close 02. 青春紀念冊 07. 我討厭 03. 紅蜻蜓 08. 我的野蠻女友 04. 花季 09. 愛的入場券 05. 他 10. 愛像什麼 Hey!Hah!COMIC BOYZ...
So hold me closeAnd don't let goI want youThat's all I knowSo hold me closeDon't ever let goI want you...I Want You專輯簡介 編輯 版本...
Oh, hold me close as IBreathe in, breathe outBreathe in, breathe outI'm on the edgeJust take me nowAnd if you'll gonna push me...
You hold me close and it feels like forever CoCo Lee Isn’t it unbelievableBaby it’s miracleCause here you are like an open door...
Take me now, baby, here as I am現在帶上我吧,親愛的,我就在這兒Hold me close, try and understand抱緊我,試著去理解Desire is hunger is the fire I ...
Hold Me Close 02. 青春紀念冊 07. 我討厭 03. 紅蜻蜓 08. 我的野蠻女友 04. 花季 09. 愛的入場券 05. 他 10. 愛像什麼(feat.亭宣) Hey Ha...
★溫暖友情的力量【Hold Me Close】-可米小子大聲唱出不畏寒冬的堅定友誼。★婷萱特別跨刀獻聲【愛像什麼】-經典金曲重新改編,男女聲的趣味合唱曲。...
So hold me close & you will be mine Forever & the day till the end of time Cause I need you like the air I breath No one else can mean this...
oh Baby only you can hold me close and hold me fastoh Baby you are changing and I with you always時間さえもとまる oh Babyこんなに こんなにも ...
我會為你付出一切 男孩 If you know how to me my lover如果你知道如何做我的愛人 Maybe you can be my baby也許你可以做我的寶貝 Hold me close under ...
And every time you hold me close, my heart skips, skips a beatSo come on, spin me aroundNow I don’t wanna go homeCause when you hold me like...
Hold me close 將我抱緊吧 I know you didn't mean it though 我知道你並不是有意如此 I know you didn't mean it though 就抱緊我吧 I can't seem ...
不過Jonas Renske用他那憂鬱的嗓音回答到“Wake me up before I die, hold me close(在我死前抱緊我,讓我保持清醒)”,荒涼而悲哀的節奏,配合著故事情節可見是...
05. Iris (Hold Me Close) 11. The Troubles 06. Volcano No Line on the Horizon 2009-02-27 英語 專輯封面 專輯類型:錄音室專輯 專輯曲目(12) 01...
Come dry me off and hold me close I need you now I need you most God keep my head above water Don’t let me drown It gets harder I’ll meet...
So hold me close For I'm so tired of holding myself So very tired and tired Tired and tired Just hold me [1] My Own Monster樂曲背景 編輯 專輯...
So just hold me close and we will go This is how it all begins Falling in love歌詞中文大意:我不知道你為何猶豫 每次你靠近我 那就是你的恐懼 你可能...
Hold me close, don't you let go La la land crazy, start the show [Masha] 誒 你到底想怎樣 girl 鹿都快把心撞破 或許你也怕愛上我 一個不小心 讓...
《Stick With You》是 Various Artists演唱的一首流行歌曲,所屬專輯《 Hold me close Vol.1》。...
Hold me close to your heart太愛你 如核爆發 高血壓Close to your heartCloser closer to your heart參考資料 1. Closer to your heart .騰訊網[引用日期...
音 我只想留下來網DARLING COME AND HOLD ME CLOSEi 我決定愛你不更改n DARLING 不要再等待k 愛我就給你最真實最多最好的i BABY HOW I NEED YOU...