History of the Lincoln Family. an Account of the Descendants of Samuel Lincoln of Hingham, Massachusetts, 1637-1920

History of the Lincoln Family. an Account of the Descendants of Samuel Lincoln of Hingham, Massachusetts, 1637-1920

《History of the Lincoln Family. an Account of the Descendants of Samuel Lincoln of Hingham, Massachusetts, 1637-1920》是一本圖書。


  • 外文名:HistoryoftheLincolnFamily.anAccountoftheDescendantsofSamuelLincoln ofHingham,Massachusetts,1637-1920
  • ISBN:9780788414893
Previous to 1640, there were eight settlers bearing the surname Lincoln in the little town of Hingham, Massachusetts: Daniel the husbandman and his brothers Samuel the weaver and Thomas the weaver; Daniel the sergeant; Stephen and his brother Thomas the husbandman; Thomas the miller and Thomas the cooper. All of these are thought to have come from county Norfolk, England, but so far as has been learned the several families were not interrelated. Daniel the husbandman and Thomas the weaver left no families, the former dying unmarried. The other six did and, as most of these remained in Hingham or Cohasset (formerly a part of Hingham) for several generations, the task of assigning each family to its proper ancestor has been anything but easy until now. This exceptional genealogy traces ten generations, taking the family up to the time of the Great War in 1914. Extremely detailed and expertly written, it offers a wealth of anecdotal information beyond the usual dates of birth and death. Many wills are presented in their entirety. Children, spouses, places of residence, burial places, inscriptions and occupations are often included. Beyond that, biographical data appears in a pleasantly readable narrative form. The history of the family of Samuel Lincoln possesses greater interest for the general American public than that of most families, because it numbers among its members that distinguished and beloved commoner, President Abraham Lincoln. Portraits and ancestral homes are included in the illustrations.

