《History of Political Philosophy》是1987年11月University Of Chicago Press出版的圖書,作者是Leo Strauss 、 Joseph Cropsey。
- 中文名:History of Political Philosophy
- 作者:Joseph Cropsey、Leo Strauss
- 出版社:University Of Chicago Press
- ISBN:0226777081
- 統一書號:0226777081
《History of Political Philosophy》是1987年11月University Of Chicago Press出版的圖書,作者是Leo Strauss 、 Joseph Cropsey。
of how civil society came to be and the nature of its inception. Locke's discussion of tacit consent, separation of powers, and the right of citizens to revolt against repressive governments, has made the Second Treatise one of the most influential essays in the history of pol...
著作除本書外,尚有History of Political Philosophy (Cropsey & Strauss), Ancients and Moderns: Essays on the Tradition of Political Philosophy in honor of Leo Strauss, Political Philosophy and the lssues of Politics, A Dialogue between a Philosopher and a Student of the Common Laws of England等...
Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2007. Collection of lectures on Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Joseph Butler, J.J. Rousseau, David Hume, J.S. Mill, and Karl Marx, edited by Samuel Freeman.A Brief Inquiry into the Meaning of ...
《康德政治著作選》是2003年7月中國政法大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是(德國)康德。內容簡介 First published in 1970,this much-acclaimed collection of the political writings of Immanuel Kant has now been revised and expanded for publication in Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought.Three ...
科學哲學 Philosophy of Science 社會科學哲學 Philosophy of Social Science 政治哲學 Political Philosophy 歐陸哲學 European philosophy 哲學概論 Introduction of Philosophy 開設課程 懷疑論 Skepticism 哲學英文 English in Philosophical Works 斯多葛哲學 The Stoic Philosophy 哲學概論 Introduction of Philosophy 論文期刊 ...
愛丁堡大學哲學博士(1983)。香港大學政治哲學專家,武大哲學學院兼職教授,基本信息 AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION/COMPETENCE Moral and political philosophy; comparative philosophy (Chinese and Western); the ethics and politics of modern and contemporary China; the moral and cultural dimensions of capitalism EDUCATION...
Chapter14TheUniversalityoftheHermeneuticalProblem Chapter15OnInterpretation PartThreeStructuralism&Post-Structuralism Chapter16TheArchaeologyofKnowledge Chapter17WhatIsPhilosophy?Chapter18AnsweringtheQuestion.WhatIsPostmodernism?Chapter19OfGrammatology PartFourPoliticalPhilosophy&PhilosophyofHistory Chapter20TwoConceptsofLiberty ...
Theory of Knowledge 49 The Cave 49 The Divided Line 51 Theory of Forms 55 Moral Philosophy 59 The Concept of the Soul 59 The Cause of Evil: Ignorance or Forgetfulness 61 Recovering Lost Morality 62 Virtue as Fulfillment of Function 63 Political Philosophy 64 The State as a Giant Person 65 ...
LECTURER IN POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY (equivalent US Asst. Prof.), Department of Philosophy,The University of Sydney (Jul 2007-Dec 2014) and HONORARY RESEARCH(Jan.2015-present).研究方向 AREAS OF COMPETENCE History Social and Political Philosophy, Introductory Logic, Epistemology.EDUCATION 主講課程 Taught ...
In particular, the collection highlights the specifically Italian political, cultural and social origins and much of Grass’s innovatory reworking of certain central concepts of Marxist thought. It will be of interest to a broad range of scholars and students concerned with the history of political...