Hibernate Tools是一套全新而且完整的面向Hibernate3的工具集合。
- 中文名:HibernateTools
- 所屬類別:工具集合
- 解釋:Eclipse外掛程式和Ant編譯流程
- 所屬領域:JBoss Tools的核心組件
使用Hibernate將會使您的工作變得簡單,所以多數開發者都喜歡使用它的API和查詢語言。雖然當您掌握了基礎知識以後,建立元數據的映射並不是一件很困難的事,但是Hibernate Tools將會使您使用Hibernate或者EJB3.0持久層API更加方便。
Hibernate Tools是一套全新而且完整的面向Hibernate3的工具集合,它包含了Eclipse外掛程式和Ant編譯流程。Hibernate Tools是JBoss Tools的核心組件,所以他也是JBoss Developer Studio的一部分。
Working with Hibernate is very easy and developers enjoy using the APIs and the query language. Even creating mapping metadata is not an overly complex task once you've mastered the basics. Hibernate Tools makes working with Hibernate or EJB 3.0 persistence even more pleasant.
Hibernate Tools is an entirely new toolset for Hibernate3 (see this page for an overview of the Hibernate 2.x toolset), implemented as an integrated suite of Eclipse plugins, together with a unified Ant task for integration into the build cycle. Hibernate Tools is a core component of JBoss Tools and hence also part of JBoss Developer Studio. See the documentation and screenshots for more information or download Hibernate Tools now!