Hey good lookin\x27

《Hey good lookin'》是Hank williams演唱的一首歌曲。


  • 外文名稱:Hey good lookin'
  • 歌曲原唱漢克·威廉士
  • 音樂風格:民俗
  • 歌曲語言:英語


Hey, Hey, Good Lookin', whatcha got cookin'
How's about cookin' something up with me
Hey, sweet baby, don't you think maybe
We could find us a brand new recipe.
I got a hot rod Ford and a two dollar bill
And I know a spot right over the hill
There's soda pop and the dancin's free
So if you wanna have fun come a- long with me.
Say Hey, Good Lookin', whatcha got cookin'
How's about cookin' somethin' up with me.
Let's stir it up boys.
I'm free and I'm ready
maybe we can go steady
How's about savin' all your time for me
No more lookin',
I know I've been tooken
How's about keepin' steady company.
I'm gonna throw my date book over the fence
And find me one for five or ten cents.
I'll keep it 'til it's covered with age
'Cause I'm writin' your name down on ev'ry page.
Hey, Hey, Good Lookin',
Whatcha got cookin'
How's about cookin' somethin' up with me.


漢克·威廉士(Hank williams,1923~1953),1923年出生於阿拉巴馬州。在風格上,他既不像東南部的和聲風格,也不接近西部流行的西部搖擺風格,他創造了一種抑鬱的但卻堅定的唱法。漢克·威廉士40年代在鄉村音樂界的地位,就如同20年代的吉米·羅傑斯,甚至還要高。
Hey good lookin\x27
威廉士1946年開始出唱片,他推出了一系列衝擊流行音樂市場的歌曲,如《相思布魯斯》(Lovesick Blues)、《今晚不要流淚》(There will be no teardrops tonight)、《你的欺騙之心》(Your cheatin heart)以及《你又贏了》(You win again)等,其中最有名的代表作品《什錦菜》(Jambalaya ,例12)成了世界上家喻戶曉的經典歌曲。威廉士還在他的音樂中保留了一定的舊式宗教成分,製作了一些有力的傳統福音歌曲。


