- 中文名:He'Rose
- 類別:組合
- 成員:黃奕達 ,彬仁,丘夏,覃洪深
- 含義:英雄一樣得到所有人的認可和愛戴

He'Rose 由4個美花男組成的。成員分別為黃奕達(隊長),彬仁,丘夏,覃洪深。名字由來:He'Rose的名字由單詞"Heroes(英雄)"演變而來;希望給大家展現的是一個正面...
One step forward (k-rose) Desert rose band The desert rose band 1987 K...He could trap the biggest meanest alligatorAnd he'd just use one hand...
God finds you naked and he leaves you dying.What happens in between is up to you.And the luminous rose glows over me over me....
Hustle Rose – MetricBehold the fishnet slut tonightHustle Rose goes from ...He says, ''I can't feel a thing, my dreams are so ...
黃奕達,畢業於廣西藝術學院國標舞專業,2010年步步高音樂手機快樂男聲南寧賽區7強全國300強,2010年與好友丘夏彬仁覃洪深一起組成He’Rose 組合。...
He rose - and in his hand the Muirdris' head.Gone was the blemish ! On his goodly faceEach trait symmetric had resumed its place :And they who ...
At last he rose, and twitched his mantle blue: Tomorrow to fresh woods, and pastures new.中文譯釋(在這首輓歌中作者悼念一位博學的友人, 1637年他不幸...
He sensed the call of the times-and he rose to the call)。” [51] 美國最高法院大法官威廉·奧威爾·道格拉斯寫到:“在我看來,在美國歷史的長河中,沃倫...
2010年與黃奕達,丘夏,彬仁組成組合He'Rose曾COS角色:《犬夜叉》 犬夜叉《不可思意的遊戲》 心宿《聖魔之血》《卓越之劍》 火槍手...
He rose to fame after placing fourth in the third season of Deutschland sucht den Superstar, the German version of Pop Idol....
He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave. Jesus conquered the grave. Jesus conquered the grave. So take me as You find me, All my...
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,And away they all flew like the down of a thistle...
eg:He rose from office boy to managing director in fifteen years.他十五年里從辦公室勤雜員升到總經理。3. 離(開)eg:Our school is two miles from the...
At 27, Mikko started 2008 as the youngest and least experienced team leader of a full manufacturers’ team, but he rose to the challenge and had his...