He and She Talk: How to Communicate with the Opposite Sex

He and She Talk: How to Communicate with the Opposite Sex

《He and She Talk: How to Communicate with the Opposite Sex》是一本圖書。


  • 外文名:He and She Talk: How to Communicate with the Opposite Sex 
  • ISBN:9780452270664
  • 定價:27.00 元
The Golden Rule may well be the most widely knowncombination of eleven words in the English language: \"Dounto others as you would have them do unto you.\" Un-fortunately, where communication between the sexes isconcerned, this revered principle steers us more in thedirection of conflict and misunderstanding than towardharmony and rapport. It s...(展開全部) The Golden Rule may well be the most widely knowncombination of eleven words in the English language: \"Dounto others as you would have them do unto you.\" Un-fortunately, where communication between the sexes isconcerned, this revered principle steers us more in thedirection of conflict and misunderstanding than towardharmony and rapport. It s now well-established that onthe whole, men and women differ in communication hab-its, expectations, and preferences. When we communicatewith the opposite sex the way we like others to commu- nicate with us--as most of us instinctively do--we re often setting the stage for misinterpretation and frustration. This book provides practical, situational advice and specific strategies that produce more satisfying results, even when only one communication partner uses them. We offer sen- sible solutions for common difficulties in getting through at home, at work, and with friends, dates, ~trid relatives.Wherever possible, we ve briefly indicated data from studies and surveys that delineate gender differences in communication. We see most of these differences as stem-i ruing not from genes or hormones but from divergent ways in which males and females are encouraged to behave as~!~: children and rewarded as adults. As you read, please re-L

