樂隊始源於2014年大學在校期間的創始成員馬克·傑克遜(主唱),尼克·麥柯林頓(鼓)和奧斯汀·卡彭特(貝斯)的一次見面。僅僅數月之後,樂隊就錄製出了一張名為《生物聲學》的電子核風格的EP,當時風頭甚至超越了當地“大學派對”。在EP發行不久之後,Hall of the Elders樂隊為了拓展他們的音樂生涯重回亞特蘭大。
不久之後,樂隊新添了一位永久的成員:吉他手威廉·詹姆斯,新的音樂家組合在一起直至2016年發行的樂隊同名EP《Hall of the Elders》,緊隨EP發行之後,樂隊在整個城市賣出了上千張拷貝專輯並開始了為“范斯巡迴旅程”的工作之路。Hall of the Elders探索著打破分割多種音樂風格的界限;冷靜,低沉的吉他切音,有趣的電子氣氛音軌,808拍,聲學插曲,高昂的聲樂,合唱,硬搖滾樂和朋克的感覺無疑是這些作為天才音樂家的驚喜。試驗這種廣泛的音色大多數情況是災難性的,但這些傢伙把它變成了一種新的藝術形式。Hall of the Elders 由馬克·傑克遜擔任主唱,威廉·詹姆斯擔任吉他手,奧斯汀·卡彭特擔任貝斯手和尼克·麥柯林頓擔任鼓手使這個樂隊無懈可擊。
“Hall of the Elders”是一個名為“Metroid Prime”的電子遊戲中的虛擬場所。 視頻遊戲中的音樂激發了樂隊創作的的許多電子音樂部分。
馬克·傑克遜(Mark Jackson)
生日:November 7.
馬克在他的一生中為許多類型的樂隊和樂團演唱。在校時,馬克學習演奏許多不同類型的樂器並獲得多個歌曲創作獎。直到2013年年底,他才開始為名為“Hall of the Elders”的電子硬核樂隊創作重型風格的音樂。在瓦爾多斯塔見過鼓手尼克·麥柯林頓和貝斯手奧斯汀·卡彭特之後,決定樂隊將在2014年夏天錄製EP。
在南喬治亞鄉村長大的奧斯汀·卡彭特,從來沒有阻礙他在金屬樂隊演奏。他在他的第一個樂隊里演奏鍵盤,樂隊其實需要一個貝斯手,所以他用鍵盤演奏他的貝斯部分。最後他抄起貝斯,演奏了《生命喚醒》。直到2013年他在瓦爾多思塔遇見了Hall of the Elders。兩個樂隊開始經常在舞台上同台,幾個月之後奧斯汀同時擔任兩個樂隊的貝斯。
2014年Hall of the Elders樂隊遷回亞特蘭大,正是在這個時候,奧斯汀搬到奧蘭多為環球影城和迪斯尼主題公園工作,奧斯汀同時為在奧蘭多演出的ETC演奏貝斯。直到2016年,奧斯汀重回由原始樂隊夥伴馬克·傑克遜和尼克·麥克倫德組成的Hall of the Elders。他可能是樂隊的超級大亂鬥玩家。
在大學期間,威廉在芝加哥負責幾個不同的樂隊,他還騎腳踏車送披薩賺外快。直道2014年他搬到了亞特蘭大遇見了馬克·傑克遜,兩個搖客通過名為Craigslist的網站線上會面,他們對同樣的電子遊戲節目和音樂的共同愛好,趣味相投的兩個人開始了相處。 到2015年,威廉作為Hall of the Elders的吉他手站在了舞台上。 在2016年,他錄製了與樂隊同名EP。 威廉台上台下總是最有品位和最穿得最帥的樂隊成員。
直到2014年初,他與Hall of the Elders的馬克·傑克遜接觸,當時他正在尋找一個有才幹的打擊樂手。靈活的鼓手迅速挑起了新的風格,獨特的技術甚至影響了這個新樂隊的歌曲。在音樂視頻和一些本地節目後,在2014年夏天,Hall of the Elders以全新的陣容迅速進入工作室錄製了專輯《生物聲學》。EP發布與當年8月1日,並受到了很多金屬狂熱者的關注。尼克接受了亞特蘭大廣播電台Rock 100.5 fm的採訪。他繼續作為鼓手錄製樂隊2016年EP“Hall of the Elders”。作為鼓手,尼克繼續發揮和改變,並嘗試不同的風格和編排。作為一個音樂家,他總是永遠不會放棄他的職業生涯和終身的夢想的成長著。
克里斯從2006年開啟了他的吉他手職業生涯。聽到“八月燃燒的紅色”樂隊的“使者”錄音之後,他愛上了金屬音樂,之後克里斯進行了數次登台演出。值得注意的是“先驅”(Forerunner)一個北卡羅來納州的金屬樂隊。他目前在一個名為“錘螃蟹”的樂隊演奏貝斯,同時在“泰基墨特爾三重奏”組合和“亞特蘭大風交響樂隊”中演奏薩克斯。除了創作和表演,克里斯還自營一個叫熊巢錄音工作室。這就是他結識Hall of the Elders樂隊的契機。Hall of the Elders讓他幫助錄製2016年的EP,克里斯在錄製這張EP中與Hall of the Elders配合默契,於是克里斯順理成章的與樂隊合體成為了樂隊的吉他手。
《Hall of the Elders》-2016
Option 1
I cant wait to see the look on your face
the day I prove you wrong
when they all want to see my fall
how can you say these things to me
I see what lies behind you
would you listen to me speaking
or am I better off dead
if I looked you in the eye
I never know just what you're thinking
tell me whats in your head
do I ever cross your mind
you say you came here to help
instead you just take away from everyone else
you say
we may learn the truth
but here we are
acting like we're told to
by you
you say you came here to help
instead you just take away from everyone else
you say you came here to help
instead you should stay away from everyone else
you pig
I will awaken you
they sit here and pray
but I'll find a way
to learn the truth
how can you trust the dead
I know you listen to him preaching
can you trust the dead
cause you're all afraid to die
I'm on the inside looking out
I never thought I'd find myself
but I'm here without a doubt
Don't Mess With The Mayor
your pretty little head is now laid to rest
quiet the rise and fall your chest
in the dark whether you want to or not
during the day we are forgot
the tables are turning
the blind men are yearning
the clocks on the wall have yet to slow down
is it too late or am I just too early
one more thing left to turn on in the night now
This sleep is persistent, dreams inevitable
try to hold on. I cant help but let go
break yourself in cause you抮e not breaking out
I won't hear you scream
the tables are turning
the blind men are yearning
the lights in the street have yet to slow down
is it too late
or am I just too early
one more thing left to turn on in the night now
If I fall asleep
dont ever wake me up
from this dream within a dream
The tables are turning
the blind men are yearning
the clocks on the wall have yet to slow down
is it too late or am I just too early
one more thing just to turn on in the night now
sleep is the one way to find you
since life was but a dream
Run Moment Preez
I'd rather not break all my bottles on the wall There are other ways to say the things words won't say at all Now I am just I messenger from the other side So give me a second to take just run moment of your time Don't stop creating But I'm just faking Words on a page in this room by my light Could they really change a life Drowning in my thoughts tonight Drowning in my thoughts I need you to sleep tonight Could you save my life Hey what's your style Is it wild Should I expect the unexpected You could take my breath away But would you know how much it means to be Forever left in a memory I'd hope you know Is this what you live for Is this what you do Is this how you want me to remember you You could save yourself Afraid to impress Hey what's your style Is it wild Expect the unexpected You could take my breath away But would you know how much it means to be forever left in a memory I'd hope you know how much it means to be Let's go I'm a fake I'm no fortune All my work is so distorted Nobody notices what I do Nobody understands what I say Cause I'm a fake I'm no fortune All my work is so distorted Nobody notices what I do Until I stop Cause I will never stop never stop never stop creating Never stop never stop never stop doing your thing
The Cabin Boy (Acoustic)
drop the sails
its obvious we have run aground
so long
no one can save you now
Twenty-thousand leagues or more
you said you would dive with me
But no one told you to hold your breath
when you go underneath
you should have watched where you were going
its no wonder you lost in eternity
I think that this might pay off
soon we won't be so lost
drop the sails
its obvious we have run aground
so alone
no one can save you now
drop your guns
you see his powder's run out
no one can save you now
I'm so sick of
I'm so tired of
relying on the crew
i'm so sick of
i'm so tired of
having to deal with you
I risk my life on the front line
you retreat to your safe and divine
never again will this window
of opportunity be so close
Too deep to turn back
Fathoms of unfathomable treasure
I think that this might pay off
soon we wont be so lost
drop the sails
its obviously have run aground
so long
No one can save you now
Drop your guns
you see his powder to run out
no one can save you now
and after all the blood and battles that we've been through