- 外文名:haemoglobin
- 釋義:血紅蛋白;血色素
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式讀音:[ˌhiːməˈɡləʊbɪn]
在脊椎動物體內已有4種類型的珠蛋白被鑑定和正式命名:血紅蛋白(haemoglobin, Hb),肌紅蛋白(myoglobin, Mb),腦紅蛋白(neuroglobin, Ngb)和細胞珠蛋白(cytoglobin, Cygb),共同組成“珠蛋白超家族(globinsuperfamily)”。分布 在脊椎...
haemoglobin;hemoglobin;ferrohemoglobin;Hb;HHb 內容簡介 血紅蛋白是高等生物體內負責運載氧的一種蛋白質。分子結構:每一血紅蛋白分子由一分子的珠蛋白和四分子亞鐵血紅素組成,珠蛋白約占96%,血紅素占4%。人體內的血紅蛋白由四個亞基...
嗜血紅蛋白嗜血桿菌(Haemophilus haemoglobinophilus)是2019年公布的感染病學名詞。定義 屬嗜血桿菌屬。為多形態的革蘭氏陰性棒狀細菌,無莢膜,朱古力平板上培養24 h呈直徑1~2 mm的光滑、凸起、半透明的菌落。無溶血作用,需氧到兼性...
肝臟分泌的黃、綠或棕色鹼性液體,儲存於膽囊(gall bladder)。食物進入,十二指腸分泌荷爾蒙,膽囊收縮,引起膽汁通過膽管流入腸道。膽汁由膽鹽(消化脂肪)和膽紅素、血紅蛋白〔haemoglobin〕的分解物)組成。肝細胞分泌的一種較濃而味苦的...
FBA FBA (foetal haemoglobin), 即胚胎血紅蛋白。FBA (foetal haemoglobin), 胚胎血紅蛋白, 新生兒主要的血紅蛋白, 在出生後逐漸減少, 成人HbF只占總血紅蛋白的0.5%。
hemoglobinopathy,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[內科] 血紅蛋白病(等於haemoglobinopathy )”。單詞用法 N any of various inherited diseases, including sickle-cell anaemia and thalassaemia, characterized by abnormal ...
6、Keilin D.,Wang Y.L.,Haemoglobin from the RootNodules of Leguminous Pla nts,Nature,1945,155:227~233.7、Keilin D.,Wang Y.L.,The Haemoglobin of Gastrophilus LarvaePurification and Properties,Biochem J.,1946,40:...
corpuscular haemoglobin 紅細胞血紅蛋白 corpuscular hemoglobin 紅細胞血紅蛋白含量 雙語例句 Bradley's discovery supported a corpuscular theory, or at least it did not support the idea of an ether drag.布拉德利的發現支持微粒子...
oxyhemoglobin,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“氧基血紅素;氧合血紅蛋白”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 oxyhaemoglobin (also oxyhemoglobin)1.N the bright red product formed when oxygen from the lungs combines with ...
N a blue copper-containing respiratory pigment in crustaceans and molluscs that functions as haemoglobin 血藍質 短語搭配 Ablone hemocyanin 鮑血藍蛋白 limulus polyphemus hemocyanin 鱟蛛血藍素 ; 鱟血藍蛋白 Succinylated Keyhol...
globin,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“(Globin)人名;(俄)格洛賓”。單詞用法 N the protein component of the pigments myoglobin and haemoglobin 球蛋白 [biochem]短語搭配 globin gene 珠蛋白基因 globin ferroporphyr...
apoprotein,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[生化] 脫輔基蛋白”。單詞用法 N any conjugated protein from which the prosthetic group has been removed, such as apohaemoglobin (the protein of haemoglobin without...
Nan agent that stimulates the production of red blood cells or increases the amount of haemoglobin in the blood 補血藥 (Also called haematic)ADJhaving the effect of enriching the blood 補血的 短語搭配 haematinic acid...
Methods It was based on the quantification of valine hydantoin formed from the released carbamyl valine reside after acid hydrolysis of haemoglobin.方法將血紅蛋白經酸水解後,釋放出氨甲酸纈氨酸,並進一步轉化成纈氨酸乙內醯脲後...
N a blue copper-containing respiratory pigment in crustaceans and molluscs that functions as haemoglobin 血藍質 短語搭配 dinitrophenol-keyhole limpet haemocyanin 二硝基酚
Haemolysis describes the breaking up of red blood cells, resulting in the release of haemoglobin into the plasma.溶血介紹了分手的紅血細胞,導致在釋放血紅蛋白進入血漿。The results show that regular consumption of this fruit ...
五、高鐵血紅蛋白還原試驗(methaemoglobin reduction test)六、變性珠蛋白小體檢查(heinz body detection)七、紅細胞GPD螢光斑點法試驗(RBC glucose??phosphate dehydrogenase fluorescent spot test)八、觸珠蛋白測定(haptoglobin ...