Google Earth Engine是一個專門處理衛星圖像和其他地球觀測數據雲端運算平台。
- PIE-Engine
計算更簡便——研發了300+遙感計算運算元、矢量分析運算元和專題算法接口,快速實現 線上大範圍、長時序的地球科學分析,提供JavaScript和Python兩種腳本語言,與Google Earth Engine平台語法相近,可以實現平台的快速遷移;分析更智慧型——提供了百萬...
- 全球新媒體與社會公益峰會北京論壇
麗貝卡還發起並領導開發了谷歌地球引擎項目(Google Earth Engine),這是一個新的技術平台,可以支持在全球範圍內對地球環境進行監測和保護。麗貝卡以優異的成績畢業於布朗大學,獲得人工智慧學士學位,之後在史丹福大學攻讀了碩士學位。她曾...
- 張洪艷(中國地質大學(武漢)計算機學院院長、武漢大學教授)
[4] C. Zhang#, H. Zhang#, S. Tian, "Phenology-assisted supervised paddy rice mapping with the Landsat imagery on Google Earth Engine: Experiments in Heilongjiang Province of China from 1990 to 2020", Computers and ...
- 肖武(浙江大學研究員)
基於Google Earth Engine(GEE)雲計算平台與時序檢測算法,獲取典型區域耕地撂荒的時空分布與特徵,從自然地理與社會經濟方面揭示其驅動因素與應對策略。3.礦區遙感生態環境監測、評價、預警 針對礦區開採導致的土地與生態損毀,利用無人機...
- 孟慶岩(中國科學院空天信息創新研究院研究員)
9. Wu P, Meng Q*,Zhang Y, et al. Coarse-graining research of the thermal infrared anomaliesbefore earthquakes in the Sichuan area on Google Earth engine[J]. Frontiers inEarth Science, 2023, 11: 1101165.10. ...
- 鄔明權
(1) Mapping spring canola and spring wheat using radarsat-2 and landsat-8 images with google earth engine, CURRENT SCIENCE, 2019, 通訊作者 (2) 基於 google earth engine 平台的濕地景觀空間格局演變分析: 以白洋淀為例, ...
- 張戈麗
X., Menarguez, M.A., Zhang, G., Qin, Y., Thau, D., Biradar, C., Moore, B. 2016. Mapping paddy rice planting area in northeastern Asia with Landsat 8 images, phenology-based algorithm and Google Earth Engine...
- 基於遷移農業的區域土地利用變化研究
第一節 基於Google Earth Engine平台的遙感影像數據的處理與解譯 第二節 基於遷移農業的區域土地利用類型演替分析 第三節 小結 第六章 基於遷移農業的區域景觀格局重組研究 第一節 研究的具體思路 第二節 景觀格局的概念與特徵 第三節...
- 董金瑋
(2)You, N., Dong, J.*. Examining earliest identifiable timing of crops using all available Sentinel 1/2 imagery and Google Earth Engine. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2020, 161: 109-123. 通訊...
- 宋宏權
4. Pan, L., H. Xia, J. Yang, W. Niu, R. Wang, H. Song, Y. Guo, Y. Qin. 2021. Mapping cropping intensity in Huaihe basin using phenology algorithm, all Sentinel-2 and Landsat images in Google Earth Engin...
- 張曉祥(河海大學教授、博士生導師;河海大學地理與遙感學院副院長...
12、Xue M. Zhang X. (張曉祥), Sun X., Sun T., Yang Y. (2021). Expansion and Evolution of a Typical Resource-Based Mining City in Transition Using the Google Earth Engine: A Case Study of Datong, China. ...
- 包妮沙
(14)劉家興,隋翔宇,包妮沙*,毛亞純,趙占國,石玉君.Google Earth Engine平台支持下的鐵礦區開採及植被變化遙感動態監測[J].礦山測量,2020,48(06):43-48.(15)劉艷慧,楊曉宇,包妮沙*,顧曉薇.基於Worldview-3與Sentinel-1 SAR數據的草原...
- 支俊俊
[9] Qu L A, Li M C, Chen Z J, Liu W B., Zhi J J, Zhang L C. Mapping large area tea plantations using progressive Random Forest and Google Earth Engine[J]. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2022, 16(2)...
- 王少劍(中山大學副教授)
61. Liu XP, Hu GH, Chen YM, Li X, Xu XC, Li SY, Pei FS, Wang SJ. High-resolution multi-temporal mapping of global urban land using Landsat images based on the Google Earth Engine Platform. Remote sensing of ...
- 車越
劉垚燚,田恬,曾鵬,張新雨,車越*.基於Google Earth Engine 平台的1984—2018 年太湖水域變化特徵,套用生態學報,2020,31(9):3163-3172.劉垚燚,汪昱昆,曾鵬,王話翔,車越*.基於改進熵權物元模型的河網尺度物理生境評價—以太湖流域為例...
- 裴鳳松
Liu, Guohua Hu, Yimin Chen, Xia Li, Xiaocong Xu, Shaoying Li, Fengsong Pei, Shaojian Wang, 2018. High-resolution multi-temporal mapping of global urban land using Landsat images based on the Google Earth Engine ...
- 陳逸敏
Liu, X., Hu, G.,Chen, Y.*, Li, X*., Li, S., Pei, F., & Wang, S. (2018). High-resolution multi-temporal mapping of global urban land using Landsat images based on the Google Earth Engine platform.Remote...
- 胡一可(天津大學建築學院教授)
Siddique, M.A.; Ding, M.; Grigoryan, S.; Khan, I.A.; Kang, Z.; Tsou, S.; Zhang, T.; Hu, Y.; Zhang, Y. The Impact of Urbanization on Urban Heat Island: Predictive Approach Using Google Earth Engine an...
- 邊金虎
Bian, J., Li, A., Lei, G., et al. Global high-resolution mountain green cover index mapping based on Landsat images and Google Earth Engine. ISPRS J Photogramm 2020, 162, 63-76.Bian, J., Li, A., Zuo, J....
- 賈明明
(4) Incorporating the Plant Phenological Trajectory into Mangrove Species Mapping with Dense Time Series Sentinel-2 Imagery and the Google Earth Engine Platform, Remote Sensing, 2019, 通訊作者 (5) Rapid Invasion of ...