Good Morning,MoM――家庭英語情景對話

Good Morning,MoM――家庭英語情景對話


  • ISBN:9787561713525
  • 頁數:111
  • 定價:7.00
  • 出版社:華東師範大學出版社
  • 出版時間:1995-10
  • 裝幀:平裝


Unit One Family Activities
Lesson 1 Time to Get Up
Lesson 2 Getting Washed
Lesson 3 Doing Morning Exercises
Lesson 4 Getting Dressed
Lesson 5 At Breakfast
Lcsson 6 Going to Kindergarten
Lesson 7 Getting Picked Up
Lesson 8 A Talk About a Kinderearten Teacher
Lesson 9 Being Hungry
Lesson 10 At Dinner
Lesson 11 Don't Be a Picky Eater !
Lesson 12 Table Manners
Lesson 13 Watching TV
Lesson 14 Leave me Alone !
Lesson 15 Being Thirsty
Lesson 16 Playing the Violin
Lesson 17 Getting Ready for an English Lesson
Lesson 18 Listening to Music
Lesson 19 I'm Wronged !
Lesson 20 Getting a Haircut
Lesson 21 Cutting Fingernails
Lesson 22 I'm Special
Lesson 23 Brushing Teeth before Bedtime
Lesson 24 Time to Go to Bed
Lesson 25 A Bedtime Story (1)
Unit Two Outdoor Activities
Lesson 1 Asking for Directions
Lesson 2 Offering a Seat
lesson 3 Animals in the Zoo
Lesson 4 About Monkeys
Lesson 5 About Pandas


Lesson 6 On the Roller-coaster
Lessoo 7 Growth
Lesson 8 A Promise
Lesson 9 What's Fair ?
Lesson 10 Don't Be a Litterbug
Lesson 11 In the Swimming Pool
Lesson 12 Playing with Blocks
Lesson 13 A Wonderful Picture
Lesson 14 A Ride in a Toy Train
Lesson 15 Counting Numbers
Lesson 16 PIaying Video Games
Lesson 17 Seeing a Movie
Lesson 18 A Tug-of-War Game
Lesson 19 In the Toy World
Lesson 20 In the Bakery
Lesson 21 In a Flowcr Shop
Lesson 22 In a Candy Store
Lesson 23 At a Fruit Stand
Lesson 24 Evening Activities
Lesson 25 A Bedtime Story (2)
Unit Three My Family & My Neighborhood
Lesson 1 A Family
Lesson 2 Family Membcrs' Needs
Lesson 3 Being Helpful
Lesson 4 Family Activities
Lesson 5 Different Areas People Live in
Lesson 6 Different Places They Live in
Lesson 7 Things around Me
Lesson 8 A Phone Call
Lesson 9 Different Rooms in School & Their Functions
Lesson 10 School Neighborhood
Lesson 11 The Neighborhood
Lesson 12 Neighbors
Lesson 13 What Are These Children Doing ?
Lesson 14 We Need Each Other
Lesson 15 AIl about Me
Lesson 16 A Birihday Party
Lesson .17 Birthday Cards
Lesson 18 Wbat a Surprise-a Video Gam
Lesson 19 Birthday Gifis
Lesson 20 A Birthdav Cake
Lesson 21 1 wish
Lesson 22 Cutting the Cake
Lessor 23 When 1 Crow Un
Lesson 24 Saying Goodbye
Lesson 25 A Bedtime Story(3)
Unit Four Our Country
I.esson l We Are Chincse
Lesson 2 Our National Flag
Lesson 3 Our Capita!
Lesson 4 Special Days
Lesson 5 New Year's Day
Lesson 6 Tree-planting Day
Lesson 7 May Day
Lesson 8 Children's Das
Lesson 9 The Chinese Army's Day
Lesson 10 The Teachers'Day Lesson 11National Day
Lesson 12The Mid-autumn Festival
Lesson 13 The Senior Citizens' Day
Lesson 14 Spring Fcstival
Lesson 15 The Lantern Fesival
Lesson 16 The Dragon-boat Festival
Lesson 17 Christmas Day
Lesson 18 Many Different Food
Lesson 19 Plain Rice
Lesson 20 Noodles
Lesson 21 Hot Dishes
Lesson 22 1 Like Sweets
Lesson 23 1 Feel Very Excited
Lesson 24 Different Ways to Go to School
Lesson 25 A Bedtime Story (4)


