《GMDSS Test Pool》由多年來擔任GMDSS培訓教學的老師編寫。在編寫的過程中,作者根據多年積累的資料並借鑑了最新的外文資料和參考書,力求覆蓋GMDSS通信的方方面面,使讀者在練習中加深印象。《GMDSS Test Pool》可用於我國高等院校航海技術專業、海事管理專業本科生、專科生、函授生和網路生“GMDSS通信業務”雙語課程的教學及課外練習,並可作為海船駕駛員、無線電人員參加GMDSS證書考試的備考複習參考資料,還可作為GMDSS岸站無線電人員、航運企業管理人員、搜救中心值班人員和其他有關人員業務學習、培訓的參考書籍。
- 書名:Gmdss Test Pool
- 出版社:武漢理工大學出版社
- 頁數:150頁
- 開本:16
- 品牌:武漢理工大學出版社
- 作者:Hu Weidong ,Hu Weidong,,
- 出版日期:2004年1月1日
- 語種:英語
- ISBN:756292029X
1 General
2 GMDSS Area
3 Distress,Urgency and Safety Communication
5 Terrestrial(General)
6 Terrestrial(SSB)
7 Terrestrial(NBDP)
8 Terrestrial(DSC)
9 Terrestrial(VHF)
12 MSI
14 Others
2 GMDSS Area
3 Distress,Urgency and Safety Communication
5 Terrestrial(General)
6 Terrestrial(SSB)
7 Terrestrial(NBDP)
8 Terrestrial(DSC)
9 Terrestrial(VHF)
12 MSI
14 Others
1.Which of the following region lies outside sea areas A1,A2,and A37
a)Sea areas which only apply to Inmarsat footprint areas.
b)Sea area A3.
c)There are no additional sea areas.
d)Sea area A4.
2.What sea area is defined as being within the range of a shore-based MF station that provides for continuous DSC alerting?
a)Sea area A2. b)Coastal waters.
c)Sea area A3.d)Sea area A1.
3.1f a vessel is engaged in local trade and at no point in its voyage travels outside of the range of a VHF shore station with continuous DSC alerting then the vessel is operating in what area?
a)Coastal and international zones. b)Inland and coastal waters.
C)Sea areas A1 and A2.d)Sea area A1.
4.What is defined as an area,excluding sea areas A1 and A2,within the coverage of an Inmarsat geostat0nary satellite in which continuous alerting is available?
a)Ocean area regions AOR-E,AOR-W,POR or IOR.
b)Sea area A4.
c)Sea area A3.
d)Coastal and inland waters.
5.SlTOR equipment is a full,partial or alternate carriage requirement under GMDSS for vessels operating in which sea area(s)?
a)A1. b)A1 and A2. C)A3 and A4.d)A1,A2,A3 and A4.
6.What is defined as the area within the radiOteIeDhOne coverage area of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available as defined by the IMO regula tion for GMDSS?
a)Sea Area A1. b)Ocean Area Regions AOR-E,AOR-W,POR or IOR.
c)Sea Area A2. d)CoastaI and Inland Waters.
7.Which statement is true regarding a vessel equipped with GMDSS equipment that will remain in sea area A1 at all times?
a)The vessel must be provided with a radio installation capable of initiating the transmission of ship-to-shore distress alerting from the position from which the ship is normally navigated.
b)VHF DSC alerting may be the sole means of distress alerting.
a)Sea areas which only apply to Inmarsat footprint areas.
b)Sea area A3.
c)There are no additional sea areas.
d)Sea area A4.
2.What sea area is defined as being within the range of a shore-based MF station that provides for continuous DSC alerting?
a)Sea area A2. b)Coastal waters.
c)Sea area A3.d)Sea area A1.
3.1f a vessel is engaged in local trade and at no point in its voyage travels outside of the range of a VHF shore station with continuous DSC alerting then the vessel is operating in what area?
a)Coastal and international zones. b)Inland and coastal waters.
C)Sea areas A1 and A2.d)Sea area A1.
4.What is defined as an area,excluding sea areas A1 and A2,within the coverage of an Inmarsat geostat0nary satellite in which continuous alerting is available?
a)Ocean area regions AOR-E,AOR-W,POR or IOR.
b)Sea area A4.
c)Sea area A3.
d)Coastal and inland waters.
5.SlTOR equipment is a full,partial or alternate carriage requirement under GMDSS for vessels operating in which sea area(s)?
a)A1. b)A1 and A2. C)A3 and A4.d)A1,A2,A3 and A4.
6.What is defined as the area within the radiOteIeDhOne coverage area of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available as defined by the IMO regula tion for GMDSS?
a)Sea Area A1. b)Ocean Area Regions AOR-E,AOR-W,POR or IOR.
c)Sea Area A2. d)CoastaI and Inland Waters.
7.Which statement is true regarding a vessel equipped with GMDSS equipment that will remain in sea area A1 at all times?
a)The vessel must be provided with a radio installation capable of initiating the transmission of ship-to-shore distress alerting from the position from which the ship is normally navigated.
b)VHF DSC alerting may be the sole means of distress alerting.