Geronimo Stilton Books 1-3

Geronimo Stilton Books 1-3

老鼠記者是一本以老鼠的視角描繪人世間百態的小說。書中聲稱作者是Geronimo Stilton(譯名為傑羅尼摩·斯蒂頓(國語版)或謝利連摩·史提頓(廣東話版),這個名字也是書中一隻主角老鼠的名字),事實上原作者是Elisabetta Dami。它是繼《哈利波特》後,最受歡迎的懸疑幽默推理小說,在義大利出版後立刻成為該國暢銷書榜首,銷量已突破1億冊,在義大利已出版的《老鼠記者》系列圖書己有79冊。全球各大出版商已向義大利出版社搶購各種語文著作權,安排全球出版及發行。香港新雅文化事業有限公司已獲授權出版中文繁體簡體版《老鼠記者》系列。


  • 書名:Geronimo Stilton Books 1-3
  • 又名:老鼠記者
  • 作者:傑羅尼莫·斯蒂爾頓
  • 原版名稱:Geronimo Stilton Books 
  • ISBN:9780307206916
  • 頁數:32開
  • 定價:216.00元
  • 出版社:Random House
  • 出版時間:2004-10-1
  • 裝幀:盒裝


作 者/Author:Geronimo Stilton(傑羅尼莫·斯蒂爾頓) 著
出 版 社/Publisher:Random House Audio
出版時間/Publication Date:2004-10-12
裝 幀/Format:
紙 張/Paper:膠版紙


Originally released in Italy, the Geronimo Stilton books have been translated into 35 languages, and the rights have been sold in over 175 countries. In less than three years, the books have become the most popular children's books in Italy, with over 1.6 million copies in print. Book #1 - Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye It all started when my sister, Thea, discovered an old, mysterious map . . . Book #2 - The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid It was a dream come true--I was off to Egypt to interview a famous archaeologist A crabby old camel took me across the desert to the Cheese Pyramid . . . Book #3 - Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House Lost in a dark, spooky forest, I quickly discovered that it was haunted--by cats And in this case, curiosity almost killed the mouse.


Geronimo Stilton runs a newspaper, but his true passion is writing tales of adventure. Here in New Mouse City, the capital of Mouse Island, his books are all bestsellers! His stories are full of fun—tastier than Swiss cheese and tangier than extra-sharp cheddar. They are whisker-licking-good stories, and that's a promise!


